Our marriage..

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Continuing from previous part:-
Parth's pov:

Hot coffee in morning truly make one's day . Sipping on my coffee i look through in newspaper when my phone start to buzz notifying me that this morning will turn into a long work day .

Picking it up i heard riya's usual nervous tone which confirmed my doubt 'Good morning Parth sir I'm calling you to notify about your assignment i already send you location via email and it'll be week long assignment' she say .

'Hmm seems like a very important assignment isn't it' I ask her while i know it's another wannabe work .

She clear her throat before answering 'umm yes sir it seems like you'll have so much fun on this assignment'.

I smirk hearing her and ask 'said by your boss or his wife ?'

'Sir boss never talked with me in past two years  mam——-Alisha mam choose this assignment for you'  she replied in nervous tone obviously afraid of her boss's wife .

'Okay then i pack my stuff and don't worry I won't tell her you told me about it' I assure her as i know if Alisha found out i understood her plan she'll be taking out her anger on riya for snitching about her .

'Thank you so much sir have a great trip' riya say in relief and disconnect the call .

Checking send location i just roll my eyes on how pathetic this b**** can be she sending me to me abroad just to keep me away from my wife on our first marriage anniversary but i won't let our anniversary be ruined like that.
I slowly open door not wanting to make any sound and look at the most pretty girl sleeping peacefully ❤️ yeah after marriage every morning i left home after looking at Akira's cute face telling her in my head about how much i love her which i cannot say on her face i know i know she is my wife and for the world we had typical love marriage situation but only we know that our marriage is just like arranged marriage and now I'm trying my level best to tell her about my feelings which i couldn't do because of these back to back out of town assignments god being an assassin is such a tiring job now i understood. Placing a note on her side table i look at her one more time and come in my room to pack my stuff sometimes i think it's good we both stay in separate rooms as it is convenient for me to pack my weapons and stuffs which might freak Akira out if she ever saw it but then again it put light on our current situation we are practically living like strangers under one roof i want to change this tell her about my feelings my work which is dangerous but still she has every right to know about it and finally want to know more about her well one thing in particular actually is why she introduced me as her long term boyfriend in front of her relatives and why she was so urge to marry me that time ?

Taking my bag i exit from my room checking time it's 7:30 am Akira is sleeping so i set her breakfast on dining table and left from home to airport..

'Sir would you like to have something'  air hostess ask in her professional tone as she taking orders from passengers.

I refuse and lean more comfortably in my seat watching my engagement ring a small smile come on my lips as i remember about our marriage..

'Here's details of your target take a lo—-'

'I don't need it just send me location of mission i take care of it'  don't know why they keep handing me details file of my targets when they know i never check targets info before assignment it's just not my style.

'Fine it's my job so i thought to give you'  manish said and start driving hmm seems like he decided to drop me off so that he can cover up after mission completion that means media might get involved in it later some rich person going to d*e tonight .

I put liquid on handkerchief as manish told me it should look like s*icidi*  slowly turning the nob open i enter in a dim lighted room and saw my target sleeping on bed hmm it'll be more easy now taking slowly step so that she won't wake up I stand near her bed and handkerchief from my hand fall down just by looking her face no it can't be .

At this moment i regret not checking her details before coming here i cannot k*** her .
I come back sat in car manish ask me 'you didn't press alter button after completing this mission why so ! You planning to make it a habit too'

Taking a long breath i reply 'i didn't press the alter button because this mission is failed' .

Manish halting the car with jerk and in shock ask 'what is she still alive ! but how you never missed any target what happened back there ?'

'I don't want to k*** her' i say in dead tone as my mind is filled with questions regarding Akira.

Manish pick his phone about to arrange another assassin for this job 'I'll send one of the fresher there don't worry boss won't know about you didn't complete the assignment i cover up for you' .
But i stop him saying  'i didn't complete this assignment because i want her alive no one dares to lay a finger on her she is mine do you understand that'.

Already shocked manish got more puzzled by my statement he ask  'and what about boss ?'

'I handle him he is my brother don't worry it's all on me you guys won't get in trouble' I say and start reading Akira's details file it's mentioned here her uncle(chacha/father's brother) gave her assassination work but why ?

Manish start car in silence yet he unexpectedly commented  'damn dude is she that hot that you fall felt just by looking at her for first time !'

I chose to not answer him as i know this isn't the first time I'm seeing/meeting Akira ....

After that i kept my eyes on Akira just to make sure she won't be in any trouble again she work as a school teacher even after being  rich herself  i guess her relatives wants her d*** for her money .
Seating in this fancy restaurant i look over towards her table where she seating with a guy around my age but it seems like she's not enjoying his company at all my suspicion further came to be true when he held her hand tightly trying to pull her up to make her stand up unable to control myself i reach towards her table pulling that ****** hand off her's that pig asked who am I which answer she gave surprising me too with her answer  'he is my boyfriend'  holding my hand with authority she leave that place beside me .

To say I'm confused will be an understatement she thank me once we are out and ask  'I know it was so sudden but will you be my boyfriend' and it all started from there our journey from faking to be a couple to actually end up being a couple in real life.....

Landing in this new state i start making my plan to end this mission in two days as i don't want to ruin our anniversary surprise ummm my anniversary surprise for Akira as i plan to propose her and hopefully tell her everything about myself.

Hey lovely readers 💜😊💜💓❤️
Hope you all like this part if you do then please vote and comment ☺️👍

Also this story mostly be in Parth's pov just to try something different but time to time Akira's pov will come ✨✨

Enjoy 💜💜

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