⁰³ Don't Fall, Icarus

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I was peacefully living on my own,
Before I was astonished by the beauty that you shown.
You were uphigh, shining,
I was down here, admiring.
Crafted wings made of wax,
Then flew to the max.

Wished for what's forbidden.
Obsession is destructive.

Wanting to hold a star,
I got more than scar.

I was pained by your beauty,
I was hurt by your rays.
Yes, I knew the agony,
Yet I wanted to feel the blaze.
Wings melted down my body,
I'm falling into the waves.

I laugh as I drop,
Smiling with teardrop.
Is this a bittersweet triumph?

They say,
"Don't fall Icarus"
But I already did.

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