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After the boys got their fill of cuteness, you guys decided to order some food to fill your bellies

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After the boys got their fill of cuteness, you guys decided to order some food to fill your bellies. They ordered meat of course and some other dishes you've never tried before.

"So you guys still eat normal food, you just also need blood?" You threw out for someone to answer.

"That's exactly right, blood is just part of our diet. It's the same as needing iron or calcium. If we don't have it, we get weak." Jay is quick to explain.

"I get that. So when do I give blood?" You ask. Jake nearly choked on his food at your question and the others just stared blankly at you. "What?" It took them a second before anyone spoke.

"Well, about that... you were supposed to donate as soon as we got back but we asked if you could settle in first. It was a long flight and you need the rest." The oldest answered.

"Ok I'm still not understanding why that made you choke on your food?" You ask, pointing at the Australian boy. The rest looked in his direction with annoyed faces.

"Guys, she was going to find out anyway." Jake said, throwing his hands in the air. Now you're really confused. Weren't you just donating blood in a bag? Why are they acting so fishy?

"Ugh whatever. I'll rip the bandaid since you guys are too nice." Sunghoon starts. "We have to bite you."

"I'm sorry, what?" You questioned, trying your best to stay calm. Maybe this is a joke?

"I know it sounds like we're joking but you have to get the blood directly from the source... it's fresher that way I guess. We don't know why but that's the way you do it." The leader said, scratching the back of his neck. It finally clicked why you needed to live with them.

Fuck. No way. You are getting bit by Enhypen... They are putting their mouths on your body... Holy fucking shit.

"I- but- what?" Is all you can muster out of your mouth. The look of shame crosses their faces. If they were messing with you, they are doing a damn good job at acting.

"We won't all bite you in the same place though. We can each pick a spot on your arm." Sunoo said with a half smile.

Although he was trying to make you feel better, it wasn't working. Even if you liked to tease, actually following through? You weren't so good at that. You always got extremely flustered if someone actually tried something so you masked it by flirting as a joke. How were you supposed to handle seven hot men biting you?

You had to say something, they were all staring at you with apologetic eyes. How could you be mad? "Ok ok, I guess that's fine. Just don't go falling in love with me or anything." You said, trying to joke your way out of the awkwardness. That seems to do the trick as their expressions begin to soften.

"No promises." Heeseung replies with a wink. This man, is he trying to kill you? You've got to stay strong.

"Try not to fall in love with us either." Sunghoon states seriously.

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