Chapter 59 - Negotiations

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Today was a big day.

A big, busy, and super important day. Not to mention stressfull. There were two things Ace and I had to get done after we had finished dropping Jodee off at school — which we were doing right now.

Jodee undid her seatbelt, reaching through the center console to kiss both me and her brother on the cheek before exiting the car. She slammed the door and ran off, her dark curls bouncing behind her, in the direction of where I could see her friend, Jess, waiting.

Jess and Jodee greeted each other with a hug, but Jess hadn't peeled her eyes away from the car yet. For good measure, I gave the girl a small wave before speeding out of the school.

"Asshole." My best friend coughed from the passenger seat beside me.


"Fucking fourteen!" He shot back.

I smirked a little, but made sure Ace could see that.

I knew Aubrey and Jess and some of the other friends Jodee had brought home over the years had a crush on me. I mean, can you really blame them? Some even thought Ace was cute, but I'm just a little more approachable than my friend so I take that first slot.

Of course, I don't love that they have a crush on me. But it's fine, I mean it's natural of them to be interested in guys and I'm pretty cute. Plus, when I was in school the people that you were always the most interested in were your brother's best friends and your friends' little sister or older brother. Funny how it works out that way, but that's just the way of the world.

So, sometimes I wave at the girls or do little things just because I think it's humorous their reaction and Jodee always gets annoyed. It's a big brothers job to annoy their little siblings, and I make sure to take that job very seriously. 

Ace just thinks I'm immature for that — teasing the little girls and Jodee alike.

"I'm harmless." I assured Ace, throwing him a look with a lazy smile on my face.

Even though I might engage in some teasing, if it really got to the point where a kid seriously thought I liked them back or anything like that, I would definitely step up and let them down. Gently of course because I don't want to crush their spirit, but firm so they know that this could never be a thing — that's just to prevent anything weird from happening in the future. 

When I first started doing a lot of things with Jodee as she got older and her and her friends got more into boys I thought it was super weird. I was used to girls throwing themselves at me and my best friend, but nothing was harmless at that time. Everything was just to have a good fuck. So I was not okay with little girls liking me. But then Ace talked me through it and explained that it happens a lot and just to not think about it too much. From then on, I've taken his advise and it's really helped me.   

He rolled his eyes.

Ace had been on bed rest for a week, and now at week two he's able to do some things. Nothing super exerting, but he can go in the car and to the grocery store and things like that now. It's been great for him because towards the end of that bed rest week he was getting super crabby and really getting on my nerves.

Jodee, being the sweet innocent girl she was, never saw Ace's rudeness or hostile attitude due to being cooped up for so long. That, and Ace would never be like that to her. Me on the other hand had to deal with him while Jodee tried to tell me to cut him some slack. 

Those two siblings need to stop ganging up on other people. I know Jodee has no clue that they do it and I would never tell her because then she'll feel bad and it's nothing to apologize for. But Ace on the other hand, he knows that they do it and loves it as well. He's a conniving asshole. 

JodeeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon