chapter 28

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It's Saturday morning and the house is very busy . I woke up late today and my mother was mad. I was supposed to wake up at 6 o'clock and get ready before the Hyde's come . But I woke up at 08:30 and now I only have like 20 minutes before Chris and his family arrive.

"You look like you would rather be with pigs than be here right now." Tia snaps me out of my thoughts and she puts final touches of my makeup. I asked for light makeup because I didn't have time to go all out.

"Wouldn't you?"

"I mean if it's with my boyfriend since high school, no I wouldn't,". She says and I just stay silent.

"Anyway your dress is ready here." She says and holds up the dress my mom bought for me while I was doing my makeup.

"Are kidding me right now." I say and Tia bursts out laughing, even she can tell that this dress is ugly AF.

"Even Loretta can do better than this , well she can't but you know what I mean."

"You know I don't know what you have against that poor woman. She's just working as a maid and nothing else ." Tia says while handing me the dress.

Suddenly the door opens and my mom comes in with a smile but it drops as soon as she looks at me.

"Alexandria Martin Luther, are you seriously still in your gown.?" My mom asks and I run to the closet to change.


I walk down the stairs and the sight of Chris just bore the fuck out of me . They're already sitting in the dining room and I guess I'm late. My dad is wearing a suit like always and Chris is obviously wearing a white shirt with jeans.

I just stand there and see that the only vacant seat is next to Chris.

"Dear sir there next to Chris , breakfast is about to be served." Mrs Hyde says with her usual sweet smile, she's a very nice woman to be honest.

Loretta and the other servants bring breakfast and I look around for Ezekiel but there's no sight of him.

"Are you looking for something?" Chris whispers in my ear with a serious tone and I shake my head and look down on my plate. We eat breakfast and our parents go to talk . Chris also leaves , probably going to vape.

"You've been quite today." Zara asks

"Well you're here as Chris' sister and not my friend so what would I even say." I say with a smile.

Zara chuckles and shakes her head with a smile." Anyway have you seen Ezekiel anywhere?" She asks and I feel my smile drop a little.

"You really can't get enough of him ,can you?" I ask and she nods with a shy smile.

"He's probably helping his mother or something or studying as always."

"Yeah you're right let me just go live." Zara and she takes out her phone.



I'm helping my father to water the plants and we've been talking for a while.

"You're not answering my question." My dad says almost sounding angry and I look at him surprised.

"You're seriously not gonna force me to tell you what happened right?"

"Oh please, you don't have to tell me what happened directly . Ok here's what we're gonna do , I ask, you answer ok ." He says and I nod

"Did you guys use protection ?" He asks and I nod.

"Ok Uhm, any foreplay?" I shake my head

"What!" He shouts and the gardeners look at us .

"Can you keep it down, and I was going to but she said it's for another day."

He lets out a breath as if he's relieved.
"Good at least you didn't freak out , and key word 'another'." He says and I shake my head.

"But I think it's probably because she knew her mother was coming."

"Oh please don't mention that skinny woman to me, sometimes I wish I could just take her hand and break it."

"Dad you can't be saying that about other people, what if she's going through something or she has an illness or something." I say and my dad bursts out laughing.

"No you're wrong, she eats only salads or some air fried fish . I think she's trying to stay classy . But be honest don't you sometimes wish you could just ... Strangle her hard ?"

"No that's evil , and can we talk about something else please?"

"Ok , how many packets of condoms do you have.?"

"Really that's the type of topic you chose ? "

"Hey look here boy , I'm trying to help because the last thing I want is 'googoo gaagaa grandpa' in nine months time ,so please answer my question and I can sent someone to buy them for you because I know you won't do it you fucking coward ."

"I don't have any and you can't be thinking about such things , and plus you're already a grandpa."

"Yeah so ? But while you're busy with such awesome activities don't forget your books , you should balance just like me."

"From the type of job you have , I'm not really sure how balanced you were but thank you for the brains though."

My father gives me a death stare and I know it's time for me to leave .

"Ok I'm going back now , bye love you."

"Bye ,love you ."

I walk away and I hear my dad call my name and he's shouting.


I look around shocked and everyone is looking at me and trying not to laugh. I quickly run to the house before he says something again.



I see Ezekiel entering the kitchen and I turn to look at Zara and she's busy on her live. I stand up and go to the kitchen.

"Hey , where have you been all morning?"

"Oh I was just helping my dad in the garden."

"Wait what, you have a dad here?" He nods and I gasp.

"EW NO, please don't tell me it's the dirty obviously stinky - as fuck man you were talking to during the tea party in the garden.?" I ask and he gives me a look . And I instantly regret letting my thoughts control my tongue again.

I clear my throat. "I mean he was all muddy ...a-and soily and..."

"He's a gardener, what do you expect." He says cutting me off and I can tell he's offended by what I said . He takes a glass and pours water in as he drinks it in one go. We just stand there in silence and I try stepping closer but he moves away .

"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't..." He suddenly leaves cutting me off again and I follow him and I stop when I realise he's going to Zara . She smiles when she sees him and jumps to him giving him a kiss and I just stand there and watch as they're French kissing and my eyes fill with tears and I quickly run to my room.

The dress she's crying about😭

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