chapter 29

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It's been almost a week and Ezekiel hasn't talked to me since . The only time he did was when I talked to him and I apologized , but all he said was "it's ok".
And he told me he's gonna need space for a while .

"Ok guys , so who's going to help me to take out these invitations for my party ?" Sebastian asks but he's already giving us the invitations.

"And remember to tell them that it's a couple's party. Oh Ezekiel come here please." Sebastian shouts and I turn to see Ezekiel walking towards us.

"I just wanted to give you these invitations so you can give them to your classmates, I would really like some seniors and older people to be there ."

Ezekiel nods and turns to leave but Sebastian stops him .

"Wait why don't come sit with us."

"Uhmm no I'm going to the library."

"Oh come on freak it's fucking break ." Jordan, one of Chris' friends says .

"Yeah that's why I'm going." Ezekiel shakes his head and Zara calls him.

"Hey baby come." She says smiling and Ezekiel leans in to kiss her and I look away . Gosh this is going to be a long day.


It's after school and the minute I got home I took a warm shower and wore a mini skirt with a white crop top because I was lazy to look through my closet.l and put my hair in a messy bun . I tried watching something but I couldn't focus because all I could think about was Ezekiel. I knew I couldn't live like this and I had to talk to him and solve this.

And here I am , standing outside his room and I've been here for almost five minutes and still haven't knocked on the door.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door and wait . The door opens and Ezekiel looks at me before trying to close the door but I quickly walk in before he could close it . I look around the room and I can tell he was studying.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you. I know you said you wanted space but I need to clear this ... thin. So can you please just listen to what I have to say."

He sighs and looks at me. "Ok what do you want to say?"

"First of all, I'm sorry like really sorry. I don't know why I said that but I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was going to upset you this much, I now know you love your dad a lot and it must've hurt you . I just can't seem to keep my thoughts to myself and in the end I tend to say or do stuff without thinking, but I didn't mean to hurt you though , I'm sorry."

I say and he steps closer to me and cups my face in his big hands.

"Alexandria I'm not upset , although I am a bit hurt but I'm not angry . It's just that I wanted time to think about I mean you're a very rude person and I don't like rude people like I really don't at all, but I guess I was able to make an exception with you. What I'm trying to say is that we're different and I'm not sure if that's a good thing . So I asked you for space so I could think if all of this is really worth hurting someone like Zara."

"Then why did you go and kiss her infront of me if you were not angry, did you want to hurt me or is it because you realised that she's the better one since she's nice and gets along with your mother , whom obviously likes her a lot because she doesn't give her looks like she does with me."

"What no, I would never do that , I went to talk to her but she came running and jumping and suddenly kissed me ,and I couldn't reject her .And also, I would never compare the two of you , I mean she's obviously nicer but I'm sure you also have a positive trait that no one has. And with the mom issue... My mom likes her because she's been nice to her and my father, which you apparently haven't been since you met her, but that doesn't matter because ..."

I claim his lips before he could finish because I really missed kissing him . He kisses me harder and grabs my ass and I run my hands through his hair. I wrap my legs around his waist and he leads me to his bed and we make out for a while before we just lay there looking at each other.

"Q and A but I'm the only one who gets to ask." I say and he gives me a curious look but he nods. I smile and get up to sit on him while he's lying down and looking at me with a smile.

"Ok let me start, how many are you guys in your family?"

He chuckles ." Mmh, we're six."
I gasp . "Really." I ask and he nods.

"Name them."

"That's not a question." He says

"Just answer, they don't have to be in order." He sighs and starts naming them.

"Carla , me , Ezra, Miguel, Santiago and Sebastian." He says and I just look at him in shock.

"Wait so it's two girls and four boys?"

"No it's three girls and three boys, Sebastian is a girl by the way."

I mistakenly bursts out laughing at the fact Sebastian is a girl .

" Who even names their daughter Sebastian , it's probably the first English name you mother heard and ..." I look at Ezekiel and he just looks at me and I immediately stop laughing.

" I'm Sorry, I don't know why I did that , I really am sorry." I say quickly before he gets upset again.

"It's ok."

"No don't say that , the last time you did things didn't end well , please I really am sorry, don't get mad , I ..." I stop talking as I feel the lump on my throat and I can feel the tears in my eyes threatening to come out , gosh what has he done to me. I lean in to hug him and the smell of him is intoxicating and I hug him tighter not wanting to let go. I suddenly feel his chest moving and I look up at him and I can see that he's trying not to laugh but he's failing dismally.

"What is it ?" I ask with a smile

"It was the first first English name she heard, but she didn't know it was designed for boys." He says and I try to hold my laugh but I look at Ezekiel and he's trying to do the same and we end up bursting into laughter.

A message alert from my phone makes me stop laughing and I check my phone to see it's from 'XOXO' , our friend group name on WhatsApp.

"Shit , I forgot I have a fitting to do for Sebastian's party on Saturday ." I say and look at him.

But he's smiling and I smile too before I lean in to kiss him and he kisses me back , I try to get off him to leave but he holds me tighter and deepens the kiss and I feel something hard under my ass and he smiles against my lips and his hands move down my waist until they're on my ass and he kisses me hard as he tighten his hands on my ass. The kiss is starting to get hot and I would like to continue, but I know I have to go.

I pull away from him and he groans .

" I'm sorry , I have to go. I can't ditch Sebastian when he's always been there for me." I say and kiss him before I walk to the door but Ezekiel's voice makes me stop .

"I'll be waiting for you to fix this mess you created "

I turn to him and see that he's pointing at his erection and I feel myself blush and I shake my head while walk away with a huge smile on my face.

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