chapter 36

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The bell rings and I pack my books eager to leave this shit hole.

I walk down the hallway and I see Diane and she waves at me with a smile.

"Hi Babes." Diane says while we hug each other and I say hi back.

"So what are we going to do at yours today?" She asks as we walk outside the school to the parking lot.

"Not today Diane, I'm going to my dad's and I won't be going back to my house for the whole week until Saturday."

"Are you serious? Wow ok then I guess I can visit you from time to time . I just hope Zara won't be there."

"No don't worry, I'm sure she'll be busy with Lana ." I say with a bitter tone and just speaking of the devil , there is Lana talking to Zara and she looks at me and smirks and goes back to talking to Zara. I suddenly get really nervous about what she's telling her. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump a d turn to look at Diane.

"It's ok , she's not going to say anything under my watch or else I'll teach her a lesson. But have you guys talked since yesterday?" She asks and I shake my head.

"We have not yet talked about it, but I'll have to talk to her tomorrow . Right now I just want to go to my dad's and rest . But if you want you can leave with me and we can Netflix and chill."

"Yay , let's go and maybe a little gossip."
She says and we laugh while going to my car.


"And we both know that he likes Jackson, but he's taken so he better back off."

"Does Sebastian even know that James likes his boyfriend . Because if he did it would be a very big fight, I mean if my sister were to like my boyfriend I would kill her ." Diane says and I nod while I take a sip of the vanilla milkshake.

We're in my room at my dad's and I must say it's a big and open room. We're watching Siyah Beyaz Ask (black and white love) a Turkish show on Turkflix. When I'm with Diane we always watch Turkish shows . We're eating popcorn and milkshakes and also icecream and sour gummy worms.

We've been talking for an hour and we're now talking about how James , Sebastian's brother likes Jackson who is Sebastian's boyfriend. Yeah we really like talking about juicy stuff.

"Ok , I think we should talk about something important now." Diane says and I look at her.

"And what is that important thing ?" I ask and take a spoonful of my caramel ice cream.

"Like what we're going to do about Lana and her next move . I don't think it'll be good for Zara to find out now , especially since you and him are not together anymore. And I also know that you don't want Zara to ever know."

"You're right, but how are we going to stop her?"

We stay silent and lost in thought as to what we can do to stop Lana from exposing me and Ezekiel. Nothing is coming to my head right now , but I know that whatever I say to her she's not going to listen to me. She already hates me and she might use this secret to blackmail me or something.

"Aha!" Diane says and snaps her fingers and I look at her .

"What did you think of?" I ask desperately.

"Well it might sound weird , but I think the best way to shut her up is to tell Ezekiel that she knows." She says and I just look at her in confusion, because what would Ezekiel even do , I mean he can't even stand up for himself when it comes to Jordan, what would he do with Lana.

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