Chapter 43: Hiroshi's Enigma

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Masaya burst into laughter at the lounge bar and exclaimed, "All you wanted to know was about a damn diary?"

Hiroshi smirked and responded, "It's not just about the diary itself. The diary is merely the tip of the iceberg, a tantalizing clue to a much more intriguing mystery waiting to be uncovered."

Masaya chimed in, still chuckling, "You know, Ai isn't the type to be into sketchy stuff, but if you're so curious about it, then there's definitely something fishy in that diary."

Masaya raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and replied, "Hey, you guys can chase after that old diary all you want, but it's not my business, and I certainly don't see any profit in it."

Hiroshi nodded, his smirk turning into a more serious expression. "You're right, Masaya, and at the end of the day, business is business. "

Masaya was thoroughly impressed by Hiroshi's eloquence and chuckled, saying, "Hiroshi, you sound like someone around my age or even older. Are you really just around seventeen years old?"

Masaya continued, his laughter subsiding as he thought about how far they had come. "You know, Hiroshi, it's incredible how you managed to make LoveNow truly explode."

Hiroshi leaned in, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Masaya, this was our pact from the beginning."

Masaya leaned in closer to Hiroshi and said, "You know, Hiroshi, you've outdone your part in this journey, and now it's my turn to do my share."

With a contemplative look, he continued, "I never really knew what Ai hid in that diary, but I've heard rumours about her writing down her childhood experiences, and they were quite wild. Raised by a mother who hated and abused her, some kind of accident led to her being sent to an orphanage, and many more tumultuous events. Her childhood was a whole mess, yet she managed to become such a captivating and extraordinary person."

Masaya paused for a moment, reflecting on Ai's past, and then he looked at Hiroshi with a sincere expression. "You know, Hiroshi, I never really cared much about her past. What intrigued me the most was how far she could go, her future. But I do remember one significant change in her. At some point, she fell in love with someone within Lala Lie, and it changed her profoundly. I never got to see who that person was, but it was as if a new fire had ignited in her, driving her to reach greater heights."

Hiroshi pondered Masaya's words for a moment, then leaned in closer and said, "Masaya, it's interesting that you mention Ai's transformative experience of falling in love within Lala Lie. The person she fell for is definitely someone you know, but the mystery lies in the details. You see, that person was discreet, and Ai never disclosed their identity to anyone."

Masaya smirked, realizing his own ignorance on the matter, and said, "Well, Hiroshi, my lack of curiosity about Ai's personal life might have kept me from providing you with that missing piece of the puzzle."

Hiroshi leaned in, his eyes fixed on Masaya, and asked, "Masaya, do you happen to know if there was anyone in particular that Ai was especially close to during her time in Lala Lie?"

Masaya paused, deep in thought, and then responded, "Well, Hiroshi, from my perspective, Ai had a unique way of maintaining equal and close relationships with everyone in Lala Lie. She was adored by all, and it's hard to say she got especially close to any one person. But there was someone else who stood out - someone universally liked by the entire group. His name is Shin Ito, and he might have more insights about Ai's time in Lala Lie and any hidden mysteries associated with it."

Hiroshi's curiosity was piqued, and he leaned in closer to Masaya. "Tell me more about this Shin Ito. What can you share about him?"

Masaya thought for a moment and then responded, "Shin, we used to call him the 'jack of all trades but master of none.' He had a knack for being skilled in almost everything, yet he never reached the pinnacle of fame in any particular area. However, he was undeniably above average in various skills and talents. A versatile and well-rounded individual, but his humility and versatility may have kept him from becoming a household name."

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