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• Princess Calliope's POV:

Upon this solemn eve, I wept, sleep's sweet embrace eluding me. Alas, why must all matters descend into such sorrowful depths? I never envisaged that the life I once held in lofty dreams would forever elude my grasp. In the face of opposing destinies, in a fleeting instant, all shall draw to a close! My erstwhile existence has vanished.

Gone from my possession are the titles, the position, the aspirations, my very FAMILY! I am now but a mere wraith, and the once illustrious princess is reduced to naught but a common maiden of exalted economic standing.

Prince Anthon:
Hark, dear sibling, seems your intent to emerge is naught?

Me ( Calliope ):
Verily! Such contemplations find no haven in my thoughts.

Prince Anthony:
Pray, art thou well?

Hahaha, well, am I? Hahaha, jest thou, brother? Dost thou believe, in light of all that hath unfolded, I shall remain well? Hahaha, thou art a most droll jester.

Prince Dominic:
We acknowledge this hour bears hardship for thee, our sister. Yet, permit not the travail to besiege thy spirit; for we have traversed akin tribulations and emerged unscathed.

Ye comprehend not! Merely for thy past resilience bears no assurance that I shall follow suit. Distinct be our capacities, and compare me not unto thee. Our circumstances differ, for ye art men.

Prince Anthon:
Calliope, though we be of male ilk and thou art of the fairer sex, gender bears no weight in conquering tribulation.

Indeed, ye remain princes, unaltered amidst this transformation, whilst I am transformed. Ye remain princes, yet what of me? I am now naught but a maiden! It might befit thee to leave me be, DEPART!

With a firm nudge, I compelled them out of mine chamber, and the door was firmly shut. Here, I allowed my tears to stream once more.


I cried out, casting aside my cherished possessions.

King Emmanuel VI, thou hast laid waste to my life, thou hast laid waste to all! AHHHH. Ready thyself, for the day shall dawn when thine outcast child shall be thine undoing! Thou shalt kneel before me, I swear by the names of thunder and lightning.

End of Calliope's POV -


In Great Britain, within the realm of England, tidings reached the House of Yorks regarding the separation of King Emmanuel VI and the former Queen Helena, now Duchess of Prussia. Likewise, the pronouncement of Lady Calliope's illegitimacy. Lady Calliope, the godchild of Queen Amanda of England, who is the mother of King Richard II, and of similar years as the noble maiden.

Queen Mother, Amanda: ( Sighs)
My godchild, in lament, the family stands in disarray, and the Saxe-Coburg lineage lies in ruins. I shall dispatch a letter to Helena to seek enlightenment upon the truth.

Ere long, King Richard II approached his maternal figure, the queen.

Richard II:
Mother, for what reason dost thou ponder upon that parchment?

Queen Amanda:
Ah, this? It be the chronicle of the divorce betwixt the former Belgian Monarchy, and... wherefore should I elucidate to a youth? Hays... I bid thee, read it, my son, the king.

Richard II:
Youth I am not! Permit me to peruse it... (He laid hold of the document and perused the headlines concerning Belgian Royalty) Ah, my Godsister, Calliope. Even though she's my mother's goddaughter, we've not crossed paths in the flesh. Yet, her struggles weigh heavily upon her. The dynamics of family, I presume.

Lord Chamberlaine:
Thy Imperial Majesty, thine carriage awaits thy conveyance to London. Shall I likewise accommodate Queen Mary White?

And a shadow crossed the king's visage.

Richard II:
Include her? Nay, she shall travel in a separate carriage. I wish not to set mine eyes upon her countenance.

Lord Chamberlaine:
Nonetheless, Thy Imperial Majesty, 'tis the custom amongst nobility for the King and Queen to partake in a singular conveyance.

Richard II:
Who governs Britain? Is it not I, the King? My edict is law, and my law shall be obeyed! Observe my desire, my lord.

With trepidation, the Lord Chamberlain bowed.

Lord Chamberlaine:
Yea, Your Imperial Majesty, thy wish shall be honored! (and he departed)

Richard II::
Tsk, I have ever borne antipathy towards that woman. Why did I concede to a union with her? Were it not for my father... I would have willingly espoused mine Godsister, Lady Calliope.

Indeed, King Richard II and Queen Mary White were wed in name alone, by the command of the late King Richard I. He never reciprocated the queen's affections, as Lady Calliope, though unseen, had already ensnared the king's affections. Queen Mary White is with child, yet the king harbors no intention of acknowledging the offspring.

Ye may wonder why Lady Calliope's mother, Helena White, and the king's consort, Mary White, bear matching surnames. They are, in truth, third cousins along the paternal line of their lineage.

Hence, both White queens possess German-Prussian lineage, albeit less profuse than that of Helena White. Two White queens.

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