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Lady Calliope's Perspective:

After an arduous voyage of more than three days, we have at long last alighted upon the soil I have long aspired to tread – England.

Portman: Your Ladyship, we have reached the shores of Britain.

Myself: Oh, and I offer my gratitude, sir. May divine blessings be upon you.

Butler: Your Ladyship, I shall forthwith dispatch your chattels and accouterments to your abode, the House of Dietrichshire. They await your presence, as decreed in the epistle.

Myself: Very well, my lord. Pray also make preparations for our conveyance. I shall shortly disembark from the vessel.

Butler: (swears an oath) As you wish, Your Ladyship.

He took his leave and executed my commands. Perchance you wonder why they address me as Ladyship? Forsooth, do I not iterate? I have long ceased to be a princess, pfft.

And thus, I disembarked from the ship, with the aid of my attendants.

End of Perspective -

Queen Amanda's Perspective:

Word hath reached me of the arrival of my goddaughter, Calliope, in the realm of England. In preparation, I yearn to convey that even though she shall nevermore behold her mother, there exists one who shall extend her welcome – a feat that Emmanuel, her sire, cannot fulfill.

Butler (Paul): Your Imperial Highness, what further orders shall we execute?

Myself: Relay to the Mistress of the Bedchamber to prepare Lady Calliope's chamber. She is no ordinary guest; she is also linked by kinship to the Yorkists and descends, several generations removed, from the cousin of Richard I, rendering her a member of the Royal Family.

Butler: A matter of great complexity, Your Imperial Highness.

Myself: Indeed, it is. Now, depart and carry out my directives that all may be made ready for her arrival.

And so, my messenger arrived.

Reporter: Queen Mother, I crave your pardon, but I bear disconcerting tidings regarding Lady Calliope's arrival. (He uttered breathlessly.)

Myself: What? Has her conveyance been ambushed? Pillaged? Assailed? Abducted? What is the matter? I am fraught with concern, Simon.

Simon: I beseech you, Queen Mother, collect yourself. Your assumptions veer far from reality.

Myself: What, then, Simon? Do elucidate.

Simon: She shall not lodge within this palace but shall proceed to the dwelling of the Dietrichs. Furthermore, her initial shipment of possessions hath set forth thither.

Myself: What? Wherefore? I was under the impression... This is inconceivable. She must make her way hither.

Simon: But how, Queen Mother?

I clutched my brow, uncertain of my course.

End of Perspective -

Richard II's Perspective:

I traverse the corridor with a sense of bewilderment, occasioned by my mother's reaction to the arrival of her goddaughter, Lady Calliope, who is akin in age to myself. I am likewise fervent to encounter her in person. Rumor has it that her beauty is unparalleled, and her eloquence matches her grace, qualities I seek in a woman I am to espouse.

Upon entering the chamber, to my dismay, it is my mother whom I encounter. I approach her.

Myself: Mother, wherefore this despondence? Shall Lady Calliope not grace us with her presence?

She gazes upon me and lays her hand upon my arm.

Queen Amanda (Mother): My son, Richard, I am despondent solely by reason of my knowledge that she shall not come directly to the palace but to the domicile of the Dietrichs.

Myself: What? Why so? This cannot be, Mother.

Queen Amanda: Precisely, Richard. You must devise a remedy for this.

Myself: Magnus!

I summon my retainer.

Magnus: Yea, Your Imperial Highness? What be thy command?

Myself: Issue orders to our retainers that they intercept Lady Calliope's entourage and transport her directly to the palace. Swiftly, now.

Magnus: As you command, Your Highness.

With a bow, he departs.

I turn to my mother.

End of Perspective

Lady Calliope's Perspective:

We journey towards the heart of London, where the air bears a refreshing zephyr that lulls me into a momentary slumber. Thereafter, I discern a retinue of servants adorned with the coats of arms of nobility blocking our path.

Moved by curiosity, I resolve to alight.

Butler James: Your Ladyship, I beseech you not to disembark, lest you be imperiled by these individuals.

Myself: (I signal to him that I shall manage this.)

Their leader, perchance a Knight, approaches me.

Knight: Might you be Lady Calliope from Belgium, perchance?

Myself: Indeed, sir. For what reason dost thou obstruct our path?

Knight: My apologies, Your Ladyship. It is the command of the Imperial Majesty, the King, that we convey thee and escort thee to the Palace.

Myself: To the Palace? Yet my possessions have already arrived at Dietrichshire. How can this be?

Knight: I have no answer to that, Your Ladyship. Thou shalt need to converse with the Queen Mother and the King.

Myself: Ah, I see.

Knight: Come, and thou shalt proceed first. We shall follow to ensure thy safe arrival at the Palace.

Myself: Very well.

I re-enter the carriage, and he does likewise.

Butler James: Your Ladyship, what...

Myself: Nought, James.

Butler James: (He falls silent.)

They clear our path and allow us to precede, following closely in our wake.

To be Continued ✯¸.•´*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯


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