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Astapor - 2 years ago

Davion was thrown into a training yard that was surrounded by male slaves who looked twice his age.

"Fresh meat." One slave said.

"He's got a pretty mouth." Another slave said.

"Stay back!" Davion warned.

"Nice clothes." Another slave said.

"Must be the bastard son of some lord." Another slave said.

"I'm not a bastard," Davion got up. "I'm the son of the late King Robert Baratheon."

"Son of a king? Then why are you here, boy?" Another slave asked.

"I was betrayed by the people I love most in this world." Davion answered.

One slave stepped forward. "Here you're nothing but a slave," He said. "Here we earn our keep and fight for what's ours. For example I like your clothes." The slave smirked and grabbed Davions collar.

Without hesitation Davion fought back and broke the slaves nose. Just then two more slaved held Davion by his arms and another slave punched Davion in his face repeatedly. Davion kicked the slave and broke free from the two slaves who were holding him. He then attacked the two men by knocking them out with one punch each. Another three slaves joined the fight and they overpowered Davion by beating him.

The young stag was almost unconscious when suddenly the slaves stopped. Davion opened his eyes to see a man beating the three slaves with ease before he passed out.

A few hours later Davion woke up and was in some place he didn't recognize, he saw four walls and on the ground was dirt and straw. He saw the man that beat the slaves crushing some herbs.

"Where am I?" Davion asked.

"Your new home. The man said. Davion looked at his clothes, it was torn in some places and he had a stab wound on his right pectoral and a cut on his left arm. "Apologies for the clothes, but I had to see how badly you were wounded."

"Who are you?" Davion asked.

"Hold still." He said and he moved closer to Davion, but Davion moved away. "If I wanted you dead, I wouldn't have saved you from those men." Davion calmed down and stayed in place while the man applied the ointment on Davions wounds. "My name is Takmet."

"Why are you helping me?" Davion asked. He didn't know who to trust and this man seemed helpful, but it was way too soon to tell.

"I use to be a slave like you, but I've grown in rank, and now I train them. Master Kraznys has told me to train you as well." Takmet said.

"I'm sure your quarters are nicer than mine." Davion said and Takmet chuckled.

"It seems you have a sense of humor." He said. "Tell me, how old are you, boy?"

"I'm seven and ten." Davion answered and winced when Takmet applied the ointment on his cheek.

"Well, you're stronger than men double your age." Takmet said.

"I still lost the fight." Davion pointed out.

"And...what do you plan to do about it?" Takmet asked. "Because you're going to have to fight soon."

"How soon?" Davion asked.

"I have five days to prepare you to fight in the pit." Takmet said.

"If I refuse to fight?" Davion asked.

"You die, and then I die for your refusal to fight." Takmet said. "One way or another you're going to fight, win or die. You are going to fight."

"I have nothing to live for," Davion said. "My father died, my mother and brother sold me to slavery." He started tearing up.

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