Bound in Honor Part 2

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Davion and Daenerys' room

Maester Wolkan had left the dragon queen alone. She still couldn't believe that she was pregnant, but then she remembered the dream she had on Dragonstone. She remembered her children and how the Red priestess said that the seed is strong to break her curse, she also remembered how Davion asked her if she ever tried to have children after losing Rhaego. She smiled and a single tear ran down her face when she put her hand on her flat stomach. She wanted to tell Davion so badly, but she also knew he needed to be focused.

She then heard her door opened and turned to see Ser Jorah. "Forgive me Khaleesi." He said.

Daenerys smiled at him. "Have you done something to offend me?" She asked.

"Many things." Ser Jorah said.

"Long ago, and long forgiven." Daenerys pointed out.

"But you did forgive, despite my failures." Ser Jorah reminded her. "When I heard you'd named Tyrion your Hand, it broke my heart."

"When I named him Hand, I didn't know if I'd ever see you again." Daenerys explained.

"You made the right choice." Ser Jorah said.

"I wasn't under the impression you liked him very much." Daenerys said.

"I didn't." Ser Jorah said. "His mouth hardly stopped moving between Volantis and Mereen, it was all I could do not to throw I'm in the sea...but the mind behind those words..."

"He's made mistakes." Daenerys said. "Serious mistakes."

"As have we all." Ser Jorah said. "He owns his and learns from them."

"You're advising me to forgive the man who stole your position?" Daenerys asked.

"I am." Ser Jorah answered. "And one other suggestion, if you'll allow me." Daenerys nodded. "Speak to the lady Sansa. Explain to her how you are in love with Davion." Daenerys was surprised by this and nodded at Ser Jorah.

Winterfell forges

"Why do you need this?" Gendry asked Davion.

"It's not for me, it for him." Davion pointed at Agragon who was playing with Ghost. "If everyone is going to fight in this war, they'll need some sort of protection."

"He should make mine first." Arya appeared and Davion saw his brother smile.

"Sorry to interrupt...whatever this is, but I need this for Agragon as soon as you can." Davion then turned to face Arya. "I heard you were in Braavos and trained in deadly arts."

"I did." Arya said. "Would you like to see?"

"No thank you." Davion said and started walking away.

"Typical of a coward to run away." Arya said. "That's what your mother made us believe you were. Perhaps she was right." Davion then stopped and turned to face Arya.

"I could fight you, but I know I'd win." Davion said. "And you would be embarrassed. It's not worth it." He turned to leave and Arya drew her sword, needle.

"Let me decide that." She said.

Davion sighed. "Courtyard. Five minutes." Davion then walked away and five minutes later they were in the Courtyard.

Arya had her sword drawn while Davion was unarmed. "You're unarmed." Arya pointed out.

"I'll take your weapons when you're finished using them." Davion said.

"Typical of a Baratheon to be arrogant." Arya said and charged at Davion. She was swinging wildly and Davion flawlessly dodged. He then ducked and when he was behind her, he lightly put his fist on her cheek.

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