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Outside Mereen

"Who are you!?" Thorak asked with the bag still over his head.

"We are the Sons of the Harpy and we will take back our city from the dragon cunt of a queen." One man said.

"Why did you take me. The queen cares not for my life." Thorak said.

"But 'the Raging Storm' does." Another voice said. "We will lure him here and kill him and then we will kill her."

Thorak started laughing and the man punched him in face and removed the bag from Thoraks head. "What's so funny?" He asked.

Thorak spat out some blood. "You don't understand what you've done." He said. "My brother will come for me and he will kill you all."

Mereen - the next morning

Davions chambers

Davion had just woken up and he hasn't heard from Thorak since he told him the truth. Davion got dressed and decided to go to Thoraks room. He knocked in the door, but there was no answer.

"Thorak." Davion sighed. "I know you hate me, but I thought that maybe we could talk some more. I was thinking we could take a walk in the city, perhaps go on patrol for the queen.

There was still no answer from the door. Davion was getting frustrated and something just told him to enter without any invitation, which he did. He saw that Thoraks room was empty

"Ah there you are." Davion heard Dario. "The queen wishes to see us." Dario then walked away.

Davion sighed. He was starting to worry about Thorak. Perhaps he was with Ser Jorah or Ser Barriston. Wherever he was, Davion would have to look for him when he was done meeting the queen. He arrived to see that everyone was only waiting for him.

"Apologies for being late," Davion said. "I'm sure you all have been waiting here for some time."

"No," Daenerys spoke up. "We've all just arrived. Ser Jorah said he had news for all of us."

Jorah sighed. "Joffrey Baratheon is dead." He said.

Davion was shocked by this, not the fact that his brother was dead, but the fact that he was saddened by it. His little brother had ruined his life and yet Davion couldn't help but mourn Joffrey.

"H-how?" Davion asked.

"Murdered at his own wedding." Jorah said and Daenerys noticed Davions demeanor changing.

"Are you alright Davion?" She asked.

"Yes, I'll be fine." Davion said. As much as he was mourning, he needed to find Thorak first. "Was there anything else?"

Ser Barriston looked at Daenerys. "We've taken the Mereenese navy as well, your grace."

"The Second Sons took the Mereenese navy." Dario Naharis corrected.

"Who told you to take the Navy?" Daenerys asked.

"No one." He said.

"So why did you do it?" She asked.

"I heard you like ships." He said.

Daenerys sighed in irritation. She then looked at ser Barriston. "How many ships?" She asked.

"Ninety three, your grace." The old knight said.

"How many can they carry?" Daenerys asked.

"Ninety three thousand, not counting sailors, of course." Davion spoke up.

"Will it be enough to take King's Landing?" She asked.

"Unfortunately not, my queen." Davion said. "My family has more and that's without counting their allies."

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