getting older

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getting older ~ billie eilish
elizabeth olsen
y/ns age: 16

y/n pov

my mother chased me through the house as i tried to walk away from her constant screaming. she was just going on and on, i honestly felt bad for the neighbours.

"NO I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU HEAR ME!" my mother screamed at me as tears ran down my face while i rapidly attempted to pack my important things into a bag. "NONE OF THIS IS YOURS, IVE PAID FOR IT ALL. OUT! GET OUT RIGHT NOW" she came into my room ripping the bag from my grasp and slapping me across the face.

i ran out of the house into the early morning cold. the sun was up but i had only gotten home a couple hours ago from being out with my friends. and she has been arguing with me since then.

the only thing i was wearing was a small top and some pyjama shorts, i had my dying phone in my hand wrapped in the cord of my earphones. flashbacks of my arguments with my mother were running through my head.

"IVE SUPPORTED YOU FOR YEARS BUT NOW YOU WONT REPAY THE FAVOUR AND GIVE ME YOUR PAYCHECKS" look i have no problem with lending her money, if i knew she wouldn't spend it on alcohol, like the last ones i had given her.

tears ran down my face as i desperately tried to wipe them away. i stopped by a random bus stop pinching the bridge of my nose. what was i going to do. oh god. i was thrown out of my home, i have practically nothing. no where to go.

my throat felt like it was closing up and some couple on a walk looked at me weirdly. my phone buzzed in my hand and i turned to the shade to look at it.

good morning sweetheart, do you need a ride to set today?
we can get breakfast

yes please
can i call you

a second later her name came up on my phone and i answered the call. "you okay honey?" she questioned as i heard a coffee machine beep behind her.

"um no, not really" i barely got out from trying not to cry. "can you pick me up please, i dont know what to do"

lizzie was like my set mum, not only do i play her daughter in this show were working on but she is also just the sweetest.

we spent alot of time together inside and outside of filming as she often took me out on little dates to markets and things. i honestly love it because ive never done these things with my own mother. ive never even had a solid heart to heart with the woman.

"y/n/n you still there?" i hear her worried voice on the other side of the phone. i hummed in acknowledgement before responding.

"y-yeah" i choaked she explained she was coming and i started to pace slightly, taking deep breaths. i told her where to find me and a couple minutes later her car pulled up. or i think so. i can barely see from the tears in my eyes.

she walks out rushing over to me quickly wrapping her arms around me. "hey hey its okay" she shushed holding me tightly. "gosh you must be freezing" she said taking her coat off and wrapping it around me.

i sobbed into her arms as she gently held my head closer to her. "thank you for getting me" i whispered hugging her back.

"anytime honey" she said pulling away "what happened" she asked wiping the mascara from under my eyes, it had definitely ran down my face by now.

"my mum finally kicked me out" i admitted honestly my lip still shaking from crying. i dont know if it was anger, sympathy, or sadness but some emotion crossed her face. i had always been quite open with her about my mothers questionable behavior.

it meant i had spent a couple weekends at her after arguments with my mother or when she disappears for a couple days. lizzie is my support system. shes everything i need.

"oh my darling, i am so sorry" i could tell she didnt really know what to say.

"its fine, ill live out of my car, and talk to her once a year or something" i shrugged trying to make light of a shitty situation.

"no your staying with me, you need to be safe. im not letting you live from your car at 16" she shook her head speaking quickly. "if thats what you want, actually no you dont get a choice" very different messages.

"i dont want to bother you, really" okay yes i did want to stay with her but i dont want to become her problem.

"you sweetheart would never bother me" she brought me in for a hug again and i buried my head in her shoulder. "come on breakfast time" we got in the car and i pulled the little thingy down to look at my face in the mirror. red eyes, red cheeks and smudged mascara. wonderful.

once we stepped out of the car at our usual breakfast spot she wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me in closer to her.

"the usual?" she smiled looking down at me.

"the usual" i confirmed.

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