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The next day, at breakfast, Kris was barely functional. He was aware of it and I could see that it pissed him off not being able to eat properly. He threatened Lin who, perhaps feeling guilty even though she had had to do it, took him in her arms and whispered in Icelandic. She told me later that she asked him for forgiveness. He cried on her shoulder.

Afterwards, he seemed to be doing better and he agreed to let me feed him. Looking into his eyes, I saw a lot of pain. Damn...Little brother...

A glance at the others and, once their breakfast was eaten and the dishes returned to the dishwasher, they went out, JD and Quenotte surrounding Bear. Kitty held his hand. Baby Jane was behind Kris, ready to step in if necessary.

I put my hands on Kris' shoulders, barely squeezing. He leaned forward. I turned to him, straddling the bench, and pulled him close, taking him in my arms.

He didn't cry. He made himself very small, as if he were six years old. So I played big brother and wrapped myself around him, acting as a shell between him and the world that was too horrible in Erk's absence.

- Thank you, he whispered at one point.

- You're welcome, little brother.

His breathing gave a little hitch, I realized I had been clumsy. But he didn't say anything.

- Kris, if you're ready, Lin would like you to come see the guy Curly brought back.

- The sniper? he asked after thinking for a moment.

- Yes. She...

- So I know why she... It's not nice of her to do that, but I couldn't fake it and stay credible.

- Oh. You know.

- I don't think I'm too far from it. And if I was sober, I would end up beating the shit out of that filthy son of a bitch. But I wouldn't stop. I would be able to kill him with my bare hands, and not cleanly by wringing his neck, but by beating him. And Erik couldn't stand that. And that would undoubtedly be the last straw. And... I think that if Erik turned away from me, if he felt fear, or disgust, towards me, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

- He would be disappointed, yes, but to turn away from you... I don't think so.

- You don't know him like I do, Archer. He is so righteous, so... pure.

I smiled. Yeah, that's right, the Viking is pure and righteous and all that. But he loves his brother so much that he could forgive him a lot of his bullshit. But I don't know how to make Kris understand this, he who thinks he knows his brother better than us. Which, most of the time, is true.

I helped him get up and walk out of the mess hall. Then across the courtyard towards the small room.

The guy had pissed himself. I don't know how Lin, with her so keen sense of smell, could get past it, but I had trouble. I felt Kris tense against me. I wondered why. Lin turned to us and immediately approached Kris.

- Litla mín, what's the matter? she asked in French.

- Chechnya, he whispered in the same language.

I didn't get it, because apart from the quick mention of sensory deprivation, I didn't have any details, but Lin did. She nodded.

- Sorry about that. I thought he would have a little more pride. Will you be OK ?

- I'll be fine. What you gave me puts some distance. Do you have any left?

- Yes. You're allowed to cheat for one more day, Kris. After that, I want you to be operational.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now