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Three more days were passed since taehyung went to meet Jeon family . In this days, taehyung become more close to Jeon family, he find his happiness in them. And somewhere his heart starts to beat for yoongi, though he is still not sure that he is in love with yoongi, but he determined that he can find about his new feelings which he feel for yoongi, after his and yoongi's marriage as that time he get to meet yoongi, to know him personally. So, he can decide After that.

Taehyung's grandmother also happy for her grandson as taehyung finally get his happiness by getting marry in jeon family. She just blessed taehyung with many beautiful blessings for his upcoming life with his soon-to-be husband and his future in-laws. She starts to take care of taehyung more as taehyung will go away from her within few days, and then she didn't get taehyung near her anymore.

Jeon family start preparation for their son's wedding with lots of enthusiasm. Two days ago, they took taehyung in a mall for his marriage shopping, where they buy wedding suit and other essentials needed for marriage. Taehyung insist that he can pay for his wedding dress as he want to spend his savings on his biggest day. Jeon couples gladly accept taehyung's this wish and let him pay for his dress.

There is no engagement day before taehyung and yoongi's marriage, Jeon family explain that yoongi is busy in his schedule and not able to return before marriage day. This is what they thought because, they already send a letter to yoongi's music company for yoongi, about his marriage. They didn't call yoongi as yoongi hardly response to their calls, so it is the only way to inform yoongi. But, they get tensed by passing time as marriage day are getting near, but still there is no response from yoongi's side about his opinion for this marriage. They just hope that yoongi somehow come for his marriage, because if he will not come, then there are many lifes that get affected by yoongi's this behaviour.

Taehyung is very excited for his marriage day, he try to complete his every pending works, so that his grandmother won't feel burdened after his leaving. Taehyung's grandmother happy to see her grandson happy in real manner, she thanked Jeon family to make her baby ready for this marriage and fills his life with happiness and family love.

Somewhere in Seoul city..........

There is many chaos in 'Beating Souls Ltd', in which yoongi is working as an artist. Every staff of the company is busy to ready their respective artist as there is a concert going to held just in few minutes. It is very special concert, where every artist of their company collaborate with each other and perform a group song together. The charm of this show is Jeon Yoongi, who is going to perform in Seoul after three months as he was in United States for his other performances.

Within few minutes, every artist leave their rooms and head towards stage. Only few makeup artist are left in their room to clean the mess that they created in hurry. A staff of the company come inside the artist's room, to give a letter to yoongi's makeup artist, and informed him that this letter was from yoongi's family side. Jimin frowned when yoongi receive a message from his family as they hardly try to reached to yoongi. He guessed that it must be some important work, so without informing yoongi , he open the Letter and starts to read the message in it. The envelope not only contain a Letter, but it also contain a photo of a very charming and beautiful boy, who is same age as yoongi.

After reading the letter, jimin fuming in anger as he thought that yoongi's family again find some tricks to bring yoongi back to them, by marrying him with someone they choose for him.

He never likes yoongi's family at all, as he thought that they want to make yoongi as their puppet who can work according to them. He is not like this in starting , but after working with yoongi for few years, he realised that yoongi's parents are never care for him. They never try to contact to yoongi in his struggling days,but in reality , yoongi's parents were not aware about, where is yoongi going as he never informed them about his plan after leaving mansion.

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