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Time passes, but things are not ready to change.

Taehyung's forgotten past again engraved in his heart. He again seems gloomy.

He again start to lock himself in a dark room, where he find peace of his mind. He recall his every past moments with his husband.

Only question rise in his mind that ' If God has no plans to stay jungkook in his life forever, they why they ever meet ? '

His fade up life always broke him mentally. The only thing that look suitable for him is, to went far from this world to his late husband.

His this mental trauma isn't hide from yoongi's eyes. He always tried to make him happy, but instead of a wide boxy smile, he only get a straight expression.

How much he try, taehyung is not ready to become normal.

Still, he can't leave taehyung on his condition. Therefore, he did everything for taehyung that he refused to do due to his uninterested mind.

He cook his favourite food, bring his favourite things. Even he sing for him.

In the thought that one day he again get his bubbly tiger back.


The more attention taehyung get from yoongi, in the opposite jimin didn't get a minute of good time with his love.

Yoongi behave like he never exist in his life. Only taehyung is become his all priority and his everything.

He once try to convince yoongi that his efforts are useless. He should stop bothering taehyung and leave him on his conditions.

But in response, he get very harsh words of yoongi which bring tears in his eyes, which obviously get unnoticed by yoongi.

After that he didn't said anything to him. He knew, one word against taehyung is ruined his whole relationship with yoongi.

His love life is already at the verge of going to end soon. And any harsh word against taehyung is leading to end it completely.


A peaceful morning start in Jeon mansion.

Jonghyun and sohi are going to have their breakfast in peace after many days.

Their company's dispute end on a sad note. They had to close their previous unit.

Everything was ruined badly that nothing is going to cover up in long run.

Only solution they have, is to agree on workers demand and shut their entire company. And again began a fresh start. Which they are going to comply at the end of this month.

Taehyung was out from his room after weeks. He thought to prepare a tasty meal for his In-laws, who are there on dinning area after many days.

His mind is still in sorrow . He still in memories of his past. But, he can atleast put a fake mask of happiness for his In-laws. Who are always there for him, even they have many more things to sort out.

Everyone settled in dinning hall. They are waiting for taehyung to come with food and serve them.

Few servants help taehyung to put all dishes in dinning table. Taehyung also bring bowl of vegetable stew.

He is not in his true state when he walking unconsciously. The moment he reached to dinning table, his leg got tripped due to hitting on one leg of dinning table.

The bowl he hold, immediately leaves from his grip due to this, hot stew pour on his hand.

He is about to hit the dinning table. But his mind leads him to unconsciously wrapped his one hand around his baby's growth.

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