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More days passed, since jimin start to live with Jeon family.

He take a long vacation from his work, just to bring yoongi again away from his family.

Yoongi told his family that he didn't want to marry jimin right now, he want to wait till his 'Bun's' birth.

Everyone agrees as they also not ready to celebrate any happiness just few months after jungkook's loss.

Due to help with yoongi's mother, jimin grow his bond with yoongi's father. Who love him like taehyung.

Jimin's scared feeling also vanished due to affinity of yoongi's parents. He like them alot as they are doing more than his own parents did for him.

The more he like yoongi's parents, in same way he hate taehyung from his guts. He always behave nicely with him if yoongi is around them, otherwise taehyung always feel ignorance by him.

And the reason is yoongi's over caring of taehyung. Nowadays, he pamper him alot. He did those things, which taehyung can do by himself. Like feeding him, never let him do heavy works, company him in his alone time, and sometimes he spend hours with him in taehyung's room, whereas jimin is waiting for him in his room. All this things make him more jealous from taehyung.

But he is unaware with the fact that, yoongi did everything because he got scared for taehyung's health. He himself witnessed shivering taehyung in his arms. He saw him in pain. The pain, which he bears alone.

After consulting with taehyung's doctor, he got to know that taehyung feel cramps due to over stress. It happened usually in such states, but when it not stop at some extent, taehyung may be face something more worse than this.

This haunts him from inside of his body. He promised his brother to take care of taehyung. He can't let him suffer in pain. Therefore, his concern for taehyung increase day by day.

There is not a day, when he didn't try to make him happy. He spent lots of time with him, so that there is not a moment where taehyung cry due to his loss of past.

In between process of making taehyung happy, he also learn to feel feelings, Understand it. His emotionless heart start to feel emotions, just because of taehyung he feel these changes into himself.


Taehyung as usual wake up early than others. After completing his morning routine, he steps into kitchen.

There he already find jimin, which surprised him tad.

Jimin still look half sleepy, that's indicates that he wake up from his unfinished sleep.

" Good morning, jimin " he try to grab Jimin's attention in his sweet voice.

Jimin turn from refrigerator , where he pick some vegetables, to face him.

" Good morning " his face isn't showing any emotions, still he formalise taehyung's words.

" You find something ? Tell me, I will find that thing for you " he offered.

Jimin shook his head.

" No, I didn't find anything. Actually, I am here to cook breakfast for you all " taehyung smile softly on Jimin's efforts to become a perfect son-in-law of Jeon family.

" That's a nice idea " he praised. Jimin also give a smiley nod.

" You are new in the kitchen. So, I will guide you about things you needed " taehyung thought to help him for his first time in kitchen.

" No need " he refused coldly.

If he really need someone's help, then he isn't there alone. And taking taehyung's help, then giving appreciate of his work to taehyung just for his mere help, he don't want it anyhow.

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