22. Learning About Dragons

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A/N: Merry Christmas to my beautiful readers, my lovers, my sis and bros... okno xD Just wanted to give you some love and cheer you up. Happy holidays! I would love if you tell me your traditions! I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day🎄🫶🏻


I refrained from looking back and kept walking until I reached my quarters, and once there, I let the tears I'd been holding fall freely.

"Fuck" I mutter, covering my face with my hands.

I didn't understand why it upset me so much. I barely knew Phoenix, and still... I felt like I knew him enough to make a judgment. I liked him. Somehow, somewhere, I started liking him, which is insane. It's been more than a week since he brought me here, and we haven't spent much time together. But I couldn't ignore how I felt at Brax's party, and how much I wanted to feel that warmth again.

Maybe I should take a step back. I've been alone for so long, it's been years since I've been yearning for a connection with someone, to love and be loved. So maybe I've been so hungry for affection I latched at the first show of kindness and care, thus, latching on Brax, and then Phoenix.

I guess now that Phoenix and I decided silently to keep our distance, I will be able to detox myself of my feelings for him. And then, I can start going out more with the hopes of finding someone who would accept me.

I took in a breath to calm down, I didn't want to cry for someone who probably didn't care.

I walk to the bathroom to clean my face and clean my nose. When I'm done I hear someone knocking at the door, and soon, Brax's screeching wanting to be let in. I laugh out loud at his antics and rush to open the door only to have Brax jump on me the moment he saw me.

"Brax!" I laugh, trying to pull him away, but he is like an elusive snake. He bites my hair and then my ear, his wings flapping over my head. "You are insufferable!"

He barked proud of his ways and licked my nose once I got to pull him away from me.

"I'll be back with the prince's lunch in a couple of hours," says the fancy-looking man bowing and then disappearing. I've never seen him before.

"Alright, what do you want to do?"

Brax flies and lands on the grounds and runs toward my wardrobe. No idea how he knew where he was going but I let it be. I started for the bookcase but stopped abruptly when I started hearing weird noises. I went to Brax to see what was going on only to see the line of drawers open with some of its contents out. They were open as if doing the job of stairs and found Brax doing circles and handling my shirts and blouses with his mouth and paws.

He was leaving a mess!

"Dude! What are you doing?!"

He barks softly, laying down on my now wrinkled clothes places as some sort of improvised nest.

"Right... Nap time" I mumble a bit annoyed. For his own good, my clothes better not be destroyed by his claws. They were the new clothes Phoenix bought for me and if they were ruined now I don't know if I dared to ask for more.

Deciding I wanted to keep an eye on him, I made my own nest made of pillows and blankets so I was close to him while read. I liked watching him sleep. He was so adorable my cheeks started to hurt for holding in many 'awwwwwws!'. It might sound creepy, but watching his stomach raise at every breath it was just so soothing to watch. Sometimes I would hold my finger under his snout to feel his breath.

I loved him very much.

I loved him very much

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