38. The Threat

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Ps: I need your opinion on a fantasy city for the story. Which sounds better: Missio or Andriantte?


That fucker was already trying to get rid of me by sending me to the furthest wing of the palace, the wing that was less concurred, and most of the rooms were used for storage.

This wasn't going how I planned. Phoenix loved me, he used to do anything for me, waiting for me on his knees. But now he seemed like a completely different man. Something had changed in him, but I couldn't yet put my finger on it. Something happened since I left, and I needed to know what.

His scent smelled different, and yet, it was the same. Everything was just so weird.

It was clear people around here didn't hold me on a pedestal anymore, which sucked. I guess I have to work to get what I want now. Damn it.

I leave the bedroom and look around, stopping in case I hear anyone coming. When I see the coast is clear, I walk through the hallways, my goal being the King's quarters, but when I walk down the stairs intending to head for the layoff that connects the palace to other areas, I am stopped by two guards.

"You are not allowed out of this wing. Go back now" one of the guards growled.

I snarled at him but turned around, frustrated. How dare they treat me like a damn prisoner! They will pay! I swear!

I keep walking, weighing my options. I stop when I notice I maid leaving the maid's hallway, closing its entrance, and I smile wide when I see my opportunity.

I knew I wouldn't be able to get to my goal directly, but if I was careful, I would be able to change corridors until I reached my goal.

I stop in my tracks when I hear voices. I stay still, waiting for them to pass, until the word queen is mentioned.

What. The. Fuck.

I tune my senses so I can hear their conversation.

"I wish I could do something for the queen. Seeing her bedridden is heartbreaking!"

"Yeah, but the healer has been able to subdue her fever. I hope she gets better soon. I've never seen the King so enamored with someone. When I saw his mark on her I almost fainted"

"Yeah, who knew the king would choose a human as his mate, but he looks very happy and the young prince is barely able to leave her side for his lessons."

They giggle.

"Yeah. They look like the perfect family, isn't it?"

"Yeah. At this point, I don't mind she is human. She is nice, she is always thankful for what we do for her, is a great mother to our prince, and keeps our king happy. I couldn't ask for more!"

I stop listening, my anger rising at their words.

Did Phoenix mark someone? A human? HOW THERE HE?! He is supposed to be miserable in my absence, and that little rat should be dead in the human realm!

This new information has me reeling, and I see red. I growl walk to the end of the staff corridor and stop the first servant I see.

"The King, where is he" I growled. The boy trembled under my wrath and gave me the information I sought.

I find it strange Phoenix was staying in another wing, close to mine, and far away from the quarters we used to share, but I don't mind. He will have a piece of my mind!

 He will have a piece of my mind!

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