Chapter 171-180

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  Chapter 171, Thank you for your patronage

  Liu Guilan calculated the Jiang family's expenses in detail in her heart. She didn't know anything about it, but she was really shocked. Su Yanting was a prodigal woman. It was said that their family had all kinds of electrical appliances. This wasn't enough. It doesn't matter that she just loves beauty. She wears the same clothes every day. After giving birth to two little girls, she dresses them up carefully every day, wearing all kinds of small leather shoes, floral skirts...wasting money on the girls.

  How many days can I wear children's clothes? I have had so many skirts made, but I can't wear them anymore when I grow a little bit. I'm surprised to spend so much money.

  "Old man, how much savings do you think Deputy Political Commissar Jiang's family has? Don't look glamorous, but your wallet is completely clean and you have nothing... You married a prodigal woman, and you want to buy things for your children. Just bought it."

  "Her family is just a kid, and she gave birth to two losers. She still spent so much money on losers, but she doesn't mind losing a little!"

  Although Liu Guilan is a woman, she is very reliable when she calls her "loser". This has been said in her village since she was a child. Now that she has a son, Yubao, what kind of family planning will she do in the future? A daughter-in-law must not give her son a money-losing child.

  Liu Guilan now has a mother-in-law mentality. Mentally, she is not a simple woman. She only thinks about her son.

  Although she only had one son, she did not give birth to a loser and was looked down upon by others.

  Captain Qian frowned: "What a loser, I have two beautiful little girls. I won't worry about no one marrying them in the future."

  "Come on, don't say anything high-sounding. If I really give you two daughters, let's see if you can still smile."

  "My hometown even gave birth to two daughters, and they couldn't even raise their heads in the village."

  Liu Guilan sarcastically said: "It is estimated that only an educated person like Political Commissar Jiang can tolerate his wife and raise her daughter so carefully that she pays for it."

  "If you really have so much money, why don't you leave more for your son? Let an outsider take advantage of it."

  According to Liu Guilan's old concept, a daughter should work as a cow or horse at home since she was a child. After all, this daughter was not raised for her own family, but for someone else's family. She would have to marry into another family in the future. What if she gave birth to a heartless daughter? It's not like I lost a lot of money, I gave it all to another man's family at a bargain price.

  "Of course there are many men who want to marry her daughter. You see, in the future, she will never make a penny when she marries a daughter. This daughter will have to dig out her natal family's money to support her husband's family. All daughters are outgoing. , the men outside just try to coax her, but she just thinks about other men, and they don't care about her parents at all. If they treat her well, they just want to raise her to be a white-eyed wolf."

  Liu Guilan's lips curled up: "In the future, when we choose a wife for our son, we have to be eye-catching and choose a good wife who is virtuous and takes care of her family."

  Such a good daughter-in-law should work hard as a cow and horse in her parents' family, get up early every day and work until night, then marry into someone else's house and become a daughter-in-law, have children and take care of them, and serve her parents-in-law filially.

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