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My fingers hurt so much it makes me dizzy; the airport is gradually coming into view. I gently stroke my son's hair as he sleeps on my lap. My sister, seated in the passenger seat, keeps calling and texting, speaking in English, Italian, and what seems like Russian. She's packing away the makeup she used to conceal my bruises.

I've asked her multiple times where we're going and how, but she just told me not to worry, that she's taking care of everything. My eyes glance at the driver, who hasn't spoken a word in the two hours we've been on the road, steadfastly avoiding eye contact.

'Mamma?' my son calls out in a sleepy voice.

'Yes, my angel, I'm here,' I reply, kissing his head as he stirs. 'Where are we?' he asks, leaning between the front seats.

'We're at the airport, pulcino mio,' my sister answers, turning in her seat to tousle Rafael's hair.

' The airport? With real planes?' he exclaims, more excited than ever.

'Of course, they're real planes,' Sienna confirms, watching my son talk so freely, without fear, creates a feeling I've never experienced.

'Take these,' Sienna says, handing me two passports. I frown and widen my eyes as I open them.

'Nina Lebedeva, Vlad Lebedev,' I read the names next to our photos. 'What is this, Sienna?'

She shrugs, showing hers with Alina Lebedeva written on it. 'You didn't think we'd leave the country with our real names, did you? That bastard would find us in no time. Put these on to avoid cameras; I also have hair dye, but you'll use it once we land.'

I shake my head, not understanding what's happening. 'Where are we going, Sienna? Tell me at least that.'

'Somewhere we'll be safe before taking a boat to where we'll live,' she vaguely replies, not disclosing a specific location.

'Sienna,' I reprimand, squinting.

A smile stretches across my lips as she chuckles. 'I missed you scolding me like that,' she says, not taking her eyes off the road, the tremor in her voice doesn't escape me. She extends her hand without looking at me; I grab it, squeezing gently.

'We're almost there,' the driver announces, speaking Italian for the first time.

I put on the cap Sienna gave me, letting some strands fall on my face. I help my son put on his, and he smiles, eyes sparkling with excitement. The car stops at one of the airport entrances; Sienna embrace the driver speaking quietly then quickly gets out, opening the back door to help Rafael down, who doesn't hesitate to jump into her arms.

I descend, too, putting on sunglasses and grimacing while holding my injured wrist. My legs tremble, and I lean against the car, sighing softly as tears flow despite my efforts.

A tissue appears in my field of vision, and I look up at the driver who has also descended. He doesn't look at me, staring at the airport entrance.

'Grazie,' I murmur, taking the tissue.

I wipe my tears, wincing at the pain from my bruises. I straighten up quickly when I see my baby approaching, excited.

'Come on, mamma! Let's get on a plane!' he urges, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the airport. I groan as my shoulder hurts.

'Slow down, pulcino mio, let's go,' my sister says, taking him in her arms and handing me the bag she retrieved from the trunk.

I follow them inside, casting a last glance at the driver, now back behind the wheel. The only thing I notice is the scar below his left eye before my sister calls me, asking me to hurry.

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