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I purse my lips as the sports car stops in the driveway of the mansion, and the three Ivanov brothers step out of the vehicle. It's been almost two days since we tried to escape, and since then, Nikolaï and I have been avoiding each other, thanks to the kids, meals remain bearable even with Sienna and Sasha exchanging black looks and occasional jabs.

Ever since Nikolaï accepted my request, I've felt lost. During these past three weeks, I thought I had found a semblance of rhythm that suited me. But I knew it was the right decision, for my sister and me, but especially for my son. He deserved to live a normal life like other children, without the shadow looming over his head. Everything would be fine. Once away from all this, I would find a job in a hospital as a nurse like before, and Sienna could resume her studies where she left off. Far from all of this.

I startle as knocks are heard on the door, which opens slowly. Sena enters, smiling gently, "Mr. Nikolaï is waiting for you in his office, madam," she says. I nod and follow her outside the room so she can show me the unfamiliar office. I furrow my brows upon seeing my sister waiting outside a door with crossed arms and a displeased expression. "They're calling us like we're just dogs," she grumbles as she sees me approaching, I just sigh as Sena knocks on the door, announcing us before letting us enter.

Sienna enters first, and I follow closely, which forces me to bump into her when she stops abruptly. I grumble and move aside to freeze in place as well when I see the four brothers staring intensely at us. They seem so much more intimidating without Elif to soften the atmosphere. Despite myself, my gaze finds the floor as I clasp my hands against my stomach anxiously, unlike my sister, who even takes a step in front of me to shield me. "Here are our little fugitives!" Roman exclaims, sitting up in the chair where he was slouched. I tense a little more, expecting the worst, what if Nikolaï and Sasha had waited for their brothers to punish us? What if he lied about letting us go?

"We're just adapting to the situation," my sister replies, crossing her arms again and raising her eyebrows. I grimace at her provocation. Oh my God, this girl.

Roman starts laughing, and he's the only one. His brothers maintain a neutral expression, their gazes dark, "sit down, please," Grigori says, indicating the long sofa in front of the dark wooden desk where he's seated behind. My eyes quickly meet Nikolaï's as he stands behind his brother, his face gives nothing away as I sit down slowly on the brown leather sofa, rubbing my hands against my jeans. Sienna joins me, placing her hand on my thigh, stopping my leg from trembling, which I hadn't even realized was happening. "What's going on?" she asks, her gaze moving to each of the brothers except for Sasha, who is perched on the corner of the desk, his arms and legs crossed, his gaze fixed on Sienna.

"We're arranging for your departure to California with us and then to a safe place that my wife will have found for you within a few days," Grigori says, and my breath catches in my throat. My eyes slowly rise to Nikolaï, who meets my gaze, his jaw clenched. "We didn't need you to find a safe place for us. Just let us go..." "This situation no longer concerns just you," Sasha growls, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Sasha is right," Grigori says, crossing his hands on the desk, "the Italians think we helped you escape and currently hold one of our shipments. If you get caught before we can recover that cargo, we'll face a big loss. Plus, our reputation will take a hit if anything were to happen to women under our protection." In short, they're only helping us to maintain their power and influence in this world of monsters. In reality, I couldn't blame them, it was their world where they had to survive and protect those they loved.

I feel Sienna seething beside me, ready to retort, but I squeeze her hand in mine, inhaling slowly and locking eyes with Nikolaï, the only one I can stand "it's okay", I feel my sister's gaze on my profile, but she doesn't add anything. "Good. To ensure everyone's safety, we'll travel in two groups. One with the children, including Rafael and Roman, leaving tonight, and the other with you, Nikolai, Sasha, and me," explains Grigori, and all fear and reservations dissipate from my body as I stand "there's no way I'm being separated from my son," I say, my eyebrows furrowed, just the idea making me crazy with anxiety. "Don't worry, nothing will happen to him with me," Roman says, getting up from the chair next to me, and my throat tightens as my vision narrows when he looms over me with his great height. I let out a trembling breath as I step back, lowering my gaze.

"Sit down, Roman," Nikolaï growls, and his brother obeys without hesitation, looking apologetically in my direction. My sister's hand slips into mine, gently pulling me back onto the sofa as Nikolaï moves towards us, sitting in the second armchair. "It's the best choice, Selina. The Italians are watching our every move, we can't risk them getting their hands on both of you at the same time. Otherwise, it's back to square one for you. But if they get hold of one of you, we still have a chance to get the other back by negotiating. And Roman's right. If anyone is capable of protecting Rafael, it's him."

"And it's not just empty words. I underwent training that none of my dear brothers would have survived," Roman explains, crossing his hands behind his neck with a playful air that doesn't reflect in his eyes. I don't know what kind of training he underwent, but it couldn't have been easy.

Despite their words, the thought of leaving my son even for a few hours turns my stomach, "hey, I'll go with him, okay?" Sienna says, rubbing my back gently. "I'll watch over him. I'd give my life to protect him if I had to, Selina," she says, her determined gaze locked with mine. From the corner of my eye, I see Sasha straighten up from his place.

"Fine, let's do it that way then," says Grigori, standing up, "the children, Sienna, and Roman will leave tonight. Night flights are the safest. We'll travel tomorrow morning," he finishes, walking around the desk to head for the door but stops when Sienna blocks his path, I stand up as well, tensing like everyone else in the room. "I want to see the man you caught the night we tried to escape," she says firmly, chin held high, "no way," Sasha growls, approaching behind his brother. Grigori raises his hand to stop him, casting his dark gaze down at my sister, who doesn't budge an inch, "you have flames in your eyes," he says with a smirk, "you've seen worse than us, right? Is that why we don't scare you?" 
"I'd be foolish not to be afraid," she responds, inhaling deeply, "but if I had let fear control me, I would have died hundreds of times."

Hundreds of times...

My hand presses against my chest as if to stop my heart from leaping, the room closing in on me. 
"Do you want to see that man again? What are you willing to do?" Grigori asks. 
"Anything," Sienna replies without hesitation, "I'd die for him," she says, clenching her fists. 
I hold my breath as they lock eyes, and Grigori eventually smiles, nodding before glancing at Sasha. "Accompany her to see the man before her departure and then let him go. He's useless to us," he says before leaving.

Sienna closes her eyes, letting out a sigh of relief as I join her, gently squeezing her hand, my gaze shifts to Sasha, who strides towards us with a furious expression. I flinch and step back involuntarily, but my foot gets tangled in the carpet, I gasp, and my sister tries to catch me in vain, but luckily, I land on the sofa.

"Sasha!" Nikolaï's voice rings out, freezing his brother in place as he surpasses him and joins me, kneeling in front of me. "Are you okay?" he asks softly, and I nod, unable to tear my gaze away from his. 
"I'm sorry, Selina. I didn't mean to frighten you," Sasha says behind his brother, his shoulders slumped, his gaze avoiding mine. 
"No, it's me overreacting. I... It'll take me some time to get used to the presence of men again," I murmur, twisting my fingers, my lips tight, forcing myself to meet Sasha's eyes. He stares at me for a few seconds, and his gaze softens gradually, he nods and gestures for my sister to follow him.

She casts me a worried glance, but I smile reassuringly, and she eventually leaves after Sasha as I sigh softly and stand up, causing Nikolaï to step back. "I better go see Rafael to explain what's going to happen tonight."

"Let's go together," says Nikolaï, opening the door for me to pass, while Roman hums what seems to be a love song  in english behind us.

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