Adaa-e-ishq II

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Last chapter, second year college student, Benazir Hussain is ready for her college trip not because she wanted but because she wants to hide herself from her bua as much as she can. So, her Tayi ammi and cousin sister Meera were there to save the day. And then, she meets her senior, Karim Chaudhary.

Today's chapter, Karim and Benazir will get to know each other. No, not by having a long talk with each other but from the people around them.


As soon as he went out of the bus commotion started and Benazir took a deep breath as if she hadn't breathed for days.

"Ma'am are you alright?" someone asked from behind.

Benazir gave a thumbs up and got up from the seat. She clapped to get their attention and spoke in one go, "Now, come on, all of you get up fast and freshen up. Fill your stomach. You have 45 minutes but everybody has to show their faces 5 minutes early and again sit down in pin-drop silence, understood?"

"Understood, ma'am" everybody nodded and shouted together.

Benazir got down from the bus, went to other volunteers and ordered something to eat for herself.

"Benazir, I heard that Karim sir is on duty with you?" A second-year Botany student asked her.

Benazir shook her head dejectedly and banged her head on the table, making a tearful face she cried, "Don't ask, my love. Don't ask at all."

Then another volunteer, who was a third year, spoke, "Benazir, Karim is a little short-tempered but he is a treasure of knowledge. Take advantage of this opportunity and ask all the doubts you have. Make some notes of that and....."

Then another volunteer who was from Benazir's class interrupts him, "Sir, our Benazir is also the topper of the second year. She is a bright child. So, don't push her into fire for your notes. And anyway, before clearing the doubts, Karim sir asks many questions as if he was the professor who taught us very clearly and if his question is not answered then..."

"Then?" Benazir asked.

"Then no one knows because no one dares to answer his question even if they know. God, he gives so scary look as if the answer turns out to be wrong, he will kill the person so, nobody does the dare to ask him again." senior completes his sentence.

"Sir, don't scare us and have something to eat" Benazir stopped him and served a plate to everyone.

Meanwhile, Karim gets a call from the professor. He leans on the wall and looks toward Benazir who is enjoying her time with other volunteers unlike with him.


"Karim, everything is fine? You didn't shout at Benazir, right?"

"No sir."

"Look, Karim, take care of her, don't shout at her. She is clumsy but gets scared very easily. Small things bother her very much. She is a very quiet girl, please control your anger."

He looks sarcastically at her who is happily sitting and giggling with everyone and says, "Sir, you are not worried about me? I didn't know you were so gender-biased."

"Son, this time my project is with her."

"Understood" and after saying this he disconnected the call and again looked at her when she also raised her eyes to look at him.

For a moment he thought his heart had come out from the socket and then his heartbeat started breaking the socket when she came running to him and stopped, "Sir, did you eat something?"

"Haan?" Karim came out of that momentarily trance and nodded then jerked his head and said, "Hmm, means no, I will soon. You?" then again taking some light breath to give oxygen to his heart he looked at the other side, "You gather everybody and sit in the bus. Go."

"Okay, sir" and then with the same speed she ran away from there.

At last, they were in their camp. Karim and Benazir were helping everyone in setting up the tents. Although Karim was busy at work, his eyes were only on Benazir.

Who was a person with a clumsy personality and top of that a first-class clumsy person. The poor girl was dropping more stuff than picking it. Karim was getting irritated with her again and again. At some moments he felt like dragging her by the hand and making her sit quietly somewhere in the corner.

There were total of 90 students, 8 volunteers, 2 professors and 6 staff. 90 students got 30 tents, 6 staff got 3 and all the volunteers and professors had their tents.

Finally, after setting up the tent, now it was time to set up the bonfire. Karim collected some wood and put it for the bonfire.

"It is not so cold here, so everyone keep yourself away from the fire. Don't bring your belongings near it. This place is near the city so there are not many wild animals so there is nothing to fear. No one will go out at night and no one will violate the rules and if they do, they will get whatever punishment that is given by the college, but my punishment will be a little different from the college."  he completed his words putting all the woods but seeing no one answering him, he looked at everyone and then suddenly everyone shouted in unison "yes sir."

Benazir looked at the professor, both of them were also scared.

Benazir was now praying for some way to keep herself away from this trouble named Karim.

Everyone was now busy with their things and Benazir was now setting up her adda near the bonfire, under the clear dark sky.

So, what happened was that a girl who was not supposed to come came here at the last moment. Now, since her name was not on the list, Karim started getting angry at her as they couldn't send her back, they had to arrange an extra tent, so, all the volunteers and professors made phone calls to arrange a tent but could not find any solution.

So, finally, Benazir gave up her tent to her and declared herself their guard for the night. So, now for Benazir, this place is her home for the next seven days.

Now it was night so arrangements for dinner were going on. Professors set up the tandoor and Benazir started helping them. She was placing all the vegetables on the tandoor when by mistake her hand touched the hot tandoor.

She had not even let out a sigh of pain when Karim shouted at her, "Have you gone mad? Where is your attention? I have been watching you for so long. If you don't know how to work then why don't you just sit quietly in the corner?" he was in the mood to say more when the professor asked him, "Kareem calm down, a mistake happens."

Karim clenched his teeth in frustration when he heard some light sobs from her. Now, Karim was feeling guilty so giving an impatient snort he went to a corner.

Now he understood why the professor was repeatedly asking him to remain calm.

That girl is weak-hearted.

After calming himself, he went to her with the medicine and saw that everyone was standing around her and a junior was trying to calm her down.

So, when Karim went close to her, everyone started moving away from Benazir.

"Sorry," Kareem said to her.

Although everyone could still see the anger in his voice, Karim had calmed down.

he gestured for the junior to move aside and sat close to Benazir.

When she shifted away from him, Kareem again said sorry and gestured his hand for hers.

After applying medicine and bandage, Karim gave her some painkillers and said, "I will become the bodyguard for today, you go and sleep in my tent."

And when Benazir opened her mouth to refuse, Karim gave her a warning look and walked away.

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