Unkaha Ishq I

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Zaeem Ali was standing outside his home.


After three years.

He was noticing his house to see the changes. Nothing has changed much. Just the painting was fading slowly, but beautiful pictures were painted on the walls, she likes painting. The roof were creaking. His gaze went to the garden. The garden became more beautiful. Many flowers were blooming in it. Roses, she like yellow rose. Sunflower, she used to smile widely when it faces the sun. Jasmine, she planted it after watching Aladdin. Lily, again after watching Harry Potter. Touch me not plant, she giggle every time when it shy from her touch. And there is pile of clay, sculptures covering the garden. Sculpturing is her passion, she love doing it.

She, for whom he left his house, Shifa Ahmad.

He glances toward the garden and gave a sigh. He noticed beautiful sculpture kept there. One of them was incomplete. Zaeem forwarded his steps to notice it carefully. He stepped further and slipped on the wet clay that was kept there. Frustrated he tries to get up from there but slipped again. Now he was totally drenched in wet clay. Cussing under his breathe, he again tried to get up but slipped again and this time he heard a laugh, her's.

He grinded his teeth and glances toward her.

Shifa Ahmad was laughing at him holding her stomach. His eyes noticed her features. She was not thin like before. She had curves in right places. His eyes went to her face, her big doe-eyes were shining more, her lips became more plump, more kissable, her figure was like a hourglass. Is it because he left her?

He smirked at his thought then make his face angry and shouted at her "Shifa, aren't you laughing too much?" She keeps her hand on her mouth to stop her laugh but started laughing more. Don't know why but Zaeem was liking her laugh, laugh is only thing he can hear from her mouth. He stiffens again and yells "Stop laughing, and help me." Shifa bit her lips trying not to laugh and move toward him. Her laugh became soft giggles. She gives him her hand to hold and get up.

He hold her hands, her hand were like a petal, smooth, silky and soft. He pulled her toward him and she fell on his lap. Zaeem holds her tightly by her waist and rubs his clay cladded cheeks on her. She squeals closing her eyes. She tried to free herself from his grip but his hold was so tight. He takes some clay on his hand and rubs it on her other cheek. She closed her eyes tightly and turns her face toward him.

Shifa's face was now deadly close to him. Her eyes were close, his eyes were lost in her. He decided, he regrets leaving her.

His fingers unconsciously went to her lips, tracing it's shape. Her eyes opens feeling his fingers on her lips. They were staring into each other, his breathe were mixing with her's. She pushes him abruptly getting up from his lap, cleaning the wet clay from her body. He was still sitting there, upset due to lost of contact.

She then signs him with her hand "Why are you still sitting there,get up and come inside, khala will be happy seeing you after three years, come"

He can understand her sign, he had learnt it for her in childhood when he heard from his mother that she is mute.

A/N:- And here the chapter, I know it's too small,  but enjoy, vote and comment.

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