Keemti Ishq IV

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Sheryaar Khan was very introvert in his college. Only focus he has was on his studies.

He was 10 year old when his father died due to heart attack. He was only left with his mother. His mother use to stitch clothes to make money. So, that Sheryaar can have a better education.

Sheryaar wanted to give everything to his mother, so he studied hard, with passion, practice he cracked IIT with AIR-67. He and his mother was very happy, they got a new hope that now they will live better life.

3 years passed of his college, his days went silently in tutoring others and studying, he was not in girls, or parties that his classmates do.

Then in his fourth year, he met someone who changed him.

One day as usual Sheryaar was in library hovering over quantum physics, when a girl voice distracts him from his book "Excuse me Sheryaar sir."

Irritatingly, Sheryaar remove his gaze from his book to the girl, only to lose the frown he had on his face.

He becomes dumbstruck when he stares the girl in front of him, Afaf Khatoon, new newbie of the college, the bubbly and cutest girl of the college, whom boys are dying to court with.

He raise his eyebrows in confusion, she rolls her eyes innocently and sits beside him. He gulps and shifts away from her. His heartbeat increased, and she spoke "Hello, Sheryaar sir."

Sheryaar gulps and his heart beats loudly but he didn't open his mouth.

Seeing he is not answering her she continued "Sir, Can I get your number please?"

He glances at her for nanosecond then again buried his head in quantum physics.

Afaf glares at him and snatched his nokia phone. Sheryaar eyes widens, he gets up to take his phone back but deed was done.

Afaf has his number. She gave him a victory smile and went back to the seniors who had given her dare to do it.


It was night time and Sheryaar was studying when his phone rings.

It was a call from unknown number, frowning he pick the call "Hello"

"Hello Sheryaar sir" A feminine voice comes from other side, his heart rate increased hearing the voice who was bugging him for 7 days. The person on the other side was Afaf Khatoon, his crush.

He was wondering why did she call him? "Hello Afaf?"

"Wow you remember, that's great, how are you sir?" she asked.

He was wondering how can she talk to a complete stranger like this? He kept his tone stern and asked "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you."

He gulp in nervousness and said "I'm studying right now, please don't disturb." And hang up the call instantly.

But who he was talking to? Afaf is not the girl who will leave someone easily.

She is rowdy of the college in her first year itself. Always pestering someone, always pulling prank on someone.

So, every night exactly at 9:15 P.M. she calls and pesters him for 37 minutes and cuts the call.

Sheryaar was now used to it, daily he wait for her call, then talks rudely with her, but he doesn't cuts the call like he did first time, he let her pester him, and repeat this again and again.

But one day Sheryaar was tensed because he comes second in his class, he was very angry, he blaming Afaf for it, and when Afaf called him that night. He yelled at her "What do you think of yourself? Are you daughter of minister, you are also a daughter of common clerk of a school, Afaf, why are you wasting money and time. Because of you I'm losing my time too."

And from that day Afaf didn't call him again, she didn't even bother him in the college too.

And Sheryaar was missing that, daily at 9:15 P.M. he gaze his phone, after 37 minute he get disappoint, he go through his call log, his hand stops at a number, he saved as PURE, but never called her. In college his blood boils when he see her with any other male, his heart break every time when accidentally they bumps into each other, but Afaf behave as they are stranger. His heart beat increase whenever she come into his view.

He knew very well, why this is happening? He has fallen in love with her, but he have focus on his carrier so he kept his distance from her.


4 years passed, Sheryaar completed his degree and has a job in his hand.

One day he got invitation from his college to attend a graduation ceremony with his batch mates. This was the year when Afaf will complete her He was eager to meet her.


Next day he attended the ceremony, Afaf was nowhere to see. Then suddenly his gaze went to secret love of his life, Afaf Khatoon.

She was standing with her happy friend and a proud father. Soon, the ceremony started, and as expected the rowdy girl of the college was first in her batch.

After some time, Afaf was standing alone maybe waiting for her father when Sheryaar approached her. She gazed him for a second then averted her eyes from him.

The grin on the Sheryaar's face fall, he cleared his throat to get her attention but she took her step away from him then he holds her hand to stop her. She turns to him.

They stare into each other, then she averted her gaze, Sheryaar smiles and asked her with an emotion in his voice "It's been three year, Afaf you are still angry with me?"

A/N:- So, you will find story a little fast from here, because it's a short story, and I can't really write all romance, after all I'm PAIDAISHI SINGLE.

So, read, enjoy, vote and comment.

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