ONE | a dreaded moment

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Gloved fingers trailed along the page of a book. Sitting in one of the many libraries in the kingdom (though this was his personal one), Stephanos sighed with content as he read "Macbeth".

Reading was one of his many hobbies, but remained his favorite throughout the eons he lived. He was halfway through the 2nd chapter when there was a knock on the door

"Come in," Stephanos called, not looking up from his book as Alec stepped into the room

Bowing to his prince, Alec then walked closer to him,"Master has asked for your presence in the throne room," he told the older vampire

"Did they happen to discuss with you the purpose of this meeting?" Stephanos asked as he set the book down on the coffee table and stood

"No, I'm sorry" Alec apologized, and opened the door for the prince

"Thank you, my dear" Stephanos thanked his guard, always having manners was something he prided himself in,"And you have no need to apologize. It was only simple curiosity," he stated softly as the two walked to the throne room

"I do believe this is for a trail," Alec revealed, as they made it to the throne room both smelling a new scent

"I believe you may be right," Stephanos replied, Alec opening the door for him and the prince made his way to his own throne which sat between Aro and Caius

"Son," Caius greeted, nodding at his son with a faint smile on his lips

"Father," Stephanos greeted, his expression calm as he turned to Aro,"What am I here for?"

"Edward Cullen should be here shortly," Aro replied vaguely, a smirk adoring his features,"I'm sure you can go without reading for a moment," he teased

"Don't tease him,love" Marcus drawled, rolling his eyes at his husband

"Yes dear," Aro accepted easily, causing Stephanos to smile slightly

"Whipped," Stephanos whispered, earning a chuckle from Caius and a playful glare from Aro

"The boy wants to die but we voted no," Marcus told him, clarifying his reason for being there

"Suicide?" Stephanos questioned, glancing at his fathers in astonishment,"What could possibly be his purpose?"

Edward Cullen then walks through them looking miserable, his vampire beauty now dull and gray.

"So you made your decision," Edward spoke hoarsely, earning a look of sympathy from the prince

"It was an intriguing debate," Aro stated calmly,"We rarely encounter a vampire who would willingly give up his existence,"

"Pathetic," Caius spat, completely annoyed by the situation,"Disgraceful,"

"I'm afraid your gifts are too valuable to destroy. But if you're unhappy with your lot, join us. We'd be delighted to utilize your skills." Aro continued without paying his husband's words any mind

"So you won't end this?" Edward asked desperately

"If I may," Stephanos cut in, his honey filled voice gained Edwards attention immediately as he finally noticed the new body,"Why do you desire to end your existence?" he questioned, worried for the vampire that stood in front of him

"My mate," Edward's voice grew heavy, his eyes filling with venom as Stephanos tensed at the mention of a mate,"She died,"

"Oh, my condolences," Stephanos let out tensely, though it went unnoticed by Edward,"I understand your purpose, however we cannot kill you without cause, my dear. I'm afraid it isn't right and well against our morals," he told the depressed vampire softly

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