seven | my memories laugh at my future

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It had been almost a year since Marcus had changed Stephanos and life at the kingdom could not have been greater.

Stephanos had finally been given three fathers who loved him dearly. The vampire kings were loving, considerate, and never showed him negative emotion.

Being a newborn, Stephanos still remembered the human life he was burdened with scars fresh and old littered his body, and he flinched at sudden movements or sounds. Enhanced hearing wasn't exactly his friend at the moment but he was growing used to it.

With the father and son bond he shared with the kings he began to heal slowly. Comfortable with the closeness of them, a pat on the shoulder or head. The affection was new to him but warmed his now dead heart.

Even so, he has yet to share a handhold with Aro and the king being the nosy, greedy king he is, decided it was time for that to change. He couldn't help but want to know the details that were spared of Stephanos's past.

"I do hope we are not intruding, my dear," Aro stated, he and his husbands walking into the small library which Stephanos spent most of his time

"Not at all, sir" Stephanos replied softly, putting his book down quickly giving the three his full attention

"You're always in here," Caius commented, smiling fondly at his soul son,"We will have to get you a library of your own," he told him, earning wide eyes from the newborn vampire

"Th-that's quite alright, I don't want to trouble you," Stephanos stuttered nervously, not wanting them to waste time at his expense

"We'd be happy to do it, little one," Marcus said, walking to where the prince sat and took the book,"You don't have to be so nervous of our kindness," earning a small nod from the boy

"Sorry," Stephanos whispered, still not used to so much kindness even after the nine months he resided in the kingdom with them

"Stephanos, dear one," Aro started, causing the boy to look at him nervously as Caius sighed and gave his husband an eye roll,"It's been nine months since you arrived here-

"Get to the point, my love, or don't go through with this at all," Caius snapped, scaring Stephanos slightly causing the newborn to stiffen to which the blonde king noticed, his gaze immediately softening

"If you would let me continue-" Aro began to argue back, sensing the start of an argument Marcus cleared his throat gaining the attention

"You remember Aro's gift?" Marcus asked the frightened vampire next to him, his gentle tone calming his son as he nodded slowly,"Well, he would like to use it on you-"

"Only if you're comfortable with it," Caius spoke up, annoyed with the fact his husband's want to invade the young boy's privacy

"I-," Stephanos hesitated, not sure if he was completely okay with this. He trusted all three of them but his human life wasn't something he held dearly to. Countless nights of beatings and ruthless pain he endured his whole life. No single moment of happiness could find its way through his mind whenever his memories consumed him

Was he really about to let Aro see all those pitiful moments of his life?

Did he really have a choice? ...He wasn't entirely sure and he didn't want to offend the king.

So there was only one way to answer...

"I'm okay with it," Stephanos murmured, though his hesitance was clear, his eyes showed nothing but trust

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