VI. A Bloody Murder

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"Are you sure you've already eaten?" Lucy asked halfway through her meal.

Florence tore her eyes off the roast and potatoes. "Yes, I told you. I already ate."

Lucy just shrugged and smiled as she chewed. "It's quite tasty. Don't you agree?"

She couldn't because she didn't know what it tasted like, but she could tell it was as good as it looked. "Yes."

"And you say the king cooked this?"

She nodded and walked to the washbasin. "He did everything. It was actually impressive."

"It's quite amazing."

Florence washed her face vigorously.

"You'll rub your face off if you keep doing that."

"Well, it's itchy."

Lucy chuckled. "You always complain about the same thing, but you keep painting your face at every chance."

The towel muffled her reply. "I like feeling beautiful." She frowned when she saw Lucy looking at her mildly. "What is it now?"

Her cousin shifted in her seat to face her. "Flo, there's a chance they'll find us here."

Throwing the towel to the side, she sat on the bed. "I know."

"And if that's the case, he'll be here in no time."

Florence knew they were having a serious talk now. More than the lie she told Emory, or the crazy and impetuous things they did in London. They never discussed the subject, perhaps because Lucy knew she wasn't ready. But her cousin was her best friend for a reason. She was more level-headed than Florence was and would always pull her down from the clouds. Maybe being locked in this room for a day gave Lucy more time to mull over things Florence ignored.

"Flo, if he finds you here, you know he won't let you escape again."

She closed her eyes and sighed. "I know."

"So why should we stay?" Lucy asked. "Why don't we leave before that happens?"

"Because I can't!" She opened her eyes and looked at Lucy. "I can't let what happened in London repeat itself."

"Flo, nothing's going to happen to me. I survived, didn't I?" Lucy asked, kneeling in front of her, taking her hands. "If King Emory wanted to honor the betrothal, he would have already done so. He doesn't want to. That's clearly the reason he lied to you about who he is. Let's just leave. I'm sure there's somewhere we can go."

"No," she said, shaking her head. "We have nothing else, Lucy. What we have left cannot take us far."

"We have another cousin in—"

She shook her head. "I cannot bring any more trouble to others." She squeezed her cousin's hands. "I'll take care of this. The king will have to marry me."

Lucy looked at her for a long time before letting out a sigh. "I still don't see how you can make him do something he doesn't want to."

"I have to make him fall in love with me first."

Lucy stood and turned away. "Oh, Lord, have mercy. You don't even believe in love. And do you think a man like the king knows love?"

Florence grinned and chuckled as Lucy returned to her food with an incredulous look on her face. She squared her shoulders and confidently said, "No, but I know he believes in honor." She stood to change her dress. "And he's a man. I'm quite certain he knows lust."

Lucy choked. "What in the devil has gotten into you?"

"Desperation, cousin." She let out a sigh and looked at herself in the mirror. "I know I'm not the prettiest there is, but I have beautiful eyes. They say they're the window to one's soul."

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