XVIII. The Convention

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The carriages were ready before they even broke their fast. As everyone shared their goodbyes, Florence stood with Emory in silence until the group walked through the doors one by one.

"Well, it's time," she said, squaring her shoulders. When he did not move, she asked, "Will you not see me off?"

He smiled back and nodded.

Marion and Lucy were already in the carriage with Simon St. Vincent. The duchess was in another carriage, waiting for Florence.

"I'll see to our carriage," Henry said to Emory.

"Are you leaving right after?" she asked.

"We have a lot to clean up in Birchfield," he said, smiling at her. "Have a safe trip, my friend. I'll see you soon."

She nodded and smiled when he kissed her hand.

Florence faced Emory. "I'll see you soon."

He did not look sad or forlorn. But he looked worried as he cupped her face and sighed.

"If you tell me to be careful and not cause trouble one more time, I'll scream," she said.

His shoulders shook with laughter. He kissed her forehead and stepped back, hands behind him. "Have a safe trip, Princess."

"I'll see you."

He nodded.

"Don't forget to bring Henrietta flowers," she said, turning away with a smile as he laughed. "And be good to the milk boy!"

He followed her to the carriage and held her hand as she stepped up. He did not let go when she took the seat across the duchess. "What?" she laughingly asked.

He tugged, and she leaned over to meet his kiss. Smiling, he stepped back and closed the door.

"Have a safe journey," he told the duchess.

The woman merely nodded.

As their carriage rolled away, Florence looked out the window. Emory stayed to watch their departure. When he was finally out of sight, she leaned back, smiling when she saw the duchess' eyes on her.

"He reminds me of my husband," Ellise said.


The woman nodded, a look of disinterest in her eyes as she looked out the window. Florence waited for the woman to elaborate, but when that did not happen, she shook her head, silently laughing. Ellise St. Vincent was probably the oddest woman she had met.

"But you must like him," she eventually said, prodding. "The duke."

"Of course. We were friends."

"Then that is enough? Being friends?"

Ellise looked at her curiously. "No. If it were, we would have remained just friends."

"Then you love him?"

The duchess looked even more confused. "Of course." Ellise shook her head and grumbled, "Why do people always think otherwise?"

As they neared the pier, two carriages passed them. A few minutes later, there were two more, both driven by women cloaked in green. She looked at Ellise and asked, "Are you part of the Black Clover?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're tasked with escorting me back to Coulway, are you not?"

"We only came here to take my father to Coulway before he freezes to death alone."

Florence shrugged. If the woman refused to give her a direct answer, it must be for good reasons.

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