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Khaleed pov

It been a while and I haven't heard from usman. I went to his house yesterday but the gate man told me he had travel for about three days now.

So today I thought of visiting his parents house to confirm from them.

When I arrived I found his mom sitting at the balcony, I waved my hand and luckily she saw me so she came downstairs immediately.

I asked her about usman and that was when she asked me to try calling his number first before she'll tell me anything. I dialed and it says switched off.

"mama his phone is switched off, where did he tell you he was going" I asked usman's mom

"he said he was going for a business trip at Lagos, and now it's been three days he didn't call and his phone has been switched off" she said

"mama don't worry I'll find out where he is In sha Allah" I assured her

I stood up and left, the mom seemed so worried. I tried his number but it was still the same thing. at least fahad is here so it a less pressure for me.

I headed home to get some rest. tbh the police aren't helping matters at all, I think I have to take things in hand.

I took a hot relaxing shower and brought out my laptop. I know a bit about tracking but I'll use YouTube tutorials for more.

After multiple tries, I finally succeeded. the phone was located at Lagos State.

I quickly called the DPO and informed him, he assured me that we'll be heading for Lagos tomorrow but they won't be dressing in their uniform so not to make it obvious.

I informed fahad and my mom that I'll be leaving for Lagos tomorrow.

I performed ablution prayed isha and drifted to sleep.

Aisha pov
I miss Amal so much, it felt like a dream remembering the last day we met.

I bet her family are in more tension. We visited her mom recently, she seems to start getting over it. I just hope they find her and the kidnappers.

I cleared my thought and was about to leave the room when I heard my phone ringing, it Ameenah

"hello Ameenah"

"Aishaaa, I just got the news from khaleed that they tracked usman's phone and it happened to be in Lagos so he's leaving for Lagos tomorrow" she said all in one breath.

"Alhamdulilah, but what about Amal" I asked

"I don't know yet but probably they should be together with usman" she said doubtly

"Toh May Allah help us all" I said

"Ameen ya Allah" she replied

"Ameenah I have a bad news for you"

"what is it again"

" yesterday my mom told me that I'll be transferring to Dubai to complete my course" I said sadly

"Whatttt!!! Dubai!!! that's so far away" she said

"yes I told her the same thing but she said it not a choice I have to go but I honestly don't want to leave" I replied

"Aisha you're leaving me alone, Amal is gone and now you also why are you guys doing this to me" she said sobbing

"listen Ameenah don't cry mana, the thing is easy you can also apply for any college there then we can create time to meet, please you don't have to cry" I consoled her

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