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It's been two days since my competition and I greet, as usual, a leaning Sunghoon next to my locker, ready to go to the gym because this time we will be practising tricks. I'm still going, even though I might need a break, it's in my nature to keep going, but I eventually know my limits. He tucks his phone in his pocket and gives me a simple nod, having that blank face as usual.

"How have you been?" We haven't really talked about the friendship topic after my competition and Sunghoon has been a bit distant lately for some reason, just when we were bonding or so I thought. So in answer to my question, he merely shrugs his shoulders and mutters a small fine.

Frowning, I follow him out and the rest of the walk to the building is silent, except for some chirping birds and traffic passing by. Sunghoon hasn't always been the most talkative person, but we would have had small talk by now. Maybe something happened? So before we enter the big gym building, I stop him and let the question that's on the tip of my tongue roll out.

"Is something wrong?"

Turning his body towards me, he casually shakes his head, his expression not betraying his thoughts. Biting my lip, I retreat, maybe he doesn't want to talk about it and I don't want to pry. I nod to myself a few times and utter a small okay.

Upon entering the empty gym, he's already taking off his grey sweatshirt, revealing his black shirt, his back and arm muscles showing through it. I try not to let my gaze linger too long and place my bag on a nearby wooden bench. The space is big enough to practise tricks on a couple of mattresses, so of course we don't break any limbs.

I had already dressed myself in a toilet stall at school in leggings and a simple shirt, that way we wouldn't waste time. He was already wearing sweatpants, so all he had to do was take off his sweatshirt, which he did.

The room has plain grey walls with a long mirror covering the entire left wall, and I lick my lips anxiously as I catch Sunghoon's eyes in the mirror. I turn them away to the mattresses on the floor and walk towards a stretching Sunghoon.

We both warm up in complete silence and then for the first time he speaks, not hesitating to dive in. "The first trick we're going to do together is not that difficult." He shows me the video he has paused and I watch it. It's manageable. But I don't know how much longer I can keep up with his attitude. I'd rather train with him when he's not so closed off.

His back is now in front of me so that I'm positioned behind him. "So when you skate next to me you place your leg here" He taps his thigh as he stands in a slightly bent position, his voice as monotone as ever. "Then you grab my shoulder and pull yourself up while I hold your leg. I think you get the idea right?" He twists his body in my direction to look me in the eye, hoping to find confirmation. His inner teacher emerges and I kind of miss his teasing side, but I know he's strict about figure skating, so I try not to evoke him. 

It'll be over before I know it.

Collectively agreeing, he returns to his position and I try it. But the moment I feel Sunghoon's hand on my thigh, I seem to lose my balance a little and jump back to the ground. I had forgotten he was supposed to hold me there. 

"Uh...let's try again" I utter to quickly brush off why I suddenly lost my balance. He just nods and I try the move again, feeling more comfortable. "That was good" he remarks and I feel a little irritated by the lack of his talking. It's like I'm working with a robot. If he wants to be like that, so be it.

"What's next?"

He pulls out his phone and I groan internally. Why is this routine so intimate? It's to a song by Adele, Skyfall. I understand there must be a lot of emotion and passion in it, but I don't know if I'm capable of showing it, especially with my partner in his cold, monotone state. While my thoughts worry me, Sunghoon doesn't betray his and simply beckons me to him. I have to jump into his arms, wrap my legs around him and then release my arms and lean back so that we then spin around.

Inhaling and exhaling, he sets his hands on my waist, his squeeze takes me out of my thoughts and I jump, wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms finding their way around his neck. Without much effort, he lifts me up. I dare not make eye contact and instead look into the mirror to my left. I hear Sunghoon sigh, before he looks at the mirror and our eyes reconnect.

"You'd have to look at me."

His voice is as soft as a feather, but I heard it blaring through my head like an alarm. Swallowing thickly I look down at Sunghoon in doubt and the moment our eyes meet I seem to have made a terrible mistake, I notice a shift in his pupils as they get bigger and I can see the tiny specks in his eyes as well as a small mole on his face, his soft hair sticking lightly to his head.


His jaw tenses and I don't know what's pissing him off, jumping out of his hold I settle back on the ground, secretly missing his warm touch. "Okay, now you tell me what's wrong. Did I offend you somehow? Is it not me, or someone else? Seriously Sunghoon, if you want to train, make some effort to get to know your partner."

My pent-up frustration is thrown at him in a long rant and he is a little caught by surprise by my sudden outburst and passes a hand through his messy hair. "It's nothing."

Rolling my eyes, I take a step forward, smile a little and hopefully try to loosen him up. "Then tell me what nothing did. I'll gladly beat him up if I have to" He just glares at me as usual, but somehow this joke seemed to crack him up, as a tiny smile emerges on his face. I consider this my victory and tease him even more, poking his cheek and grinning contentedly. "You smiled!"

At the realisation, his face sags, but I keep poking his cheek, coming closer as he stumbles backwards and finally lets out a laugh, a laugh that could light up the world. In the process of all this, his arms now rest loosely around my back as I still walk towards him, poking his cheeks before coming to a stop.

We just stand here smiling at each other, both for different reasons, before he shakes his head with a soft chuckle. I get a little more sombre and rest my face to let him know I'm serious, since we still haven't talked about his earlier state."If I can help in any way, just talk to me. I'll be there for you." 

There is a short pause to process my words. He just sighs and lets one corner of his mouth lift up as he stares at something behind me. Removing a hand from my back, he carefully places it on the back of my head and tangles it in my hair. Gently pushing my head against his chest, he embraces me in a soft, endearing way. There's a soft, deep whisper of gratitude.

I don't know what has gotten into him, but I think he really needs it. Grinning mischievously in his embrace, I hug his torso tightly. I knew he was a soft-hearted person with just many, many, many layers around him. But I'd like to see all his layers, I'd like to get to know him better, because he's too intriguing not to get to know.


I love them sm.

If anyone is reading this, thank you so so much. 

Have a great day/night xx

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