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Feeling absolutely demolished on the way home, I decide to take a diversion as I need some rest. Ye-Jun, my good friend, has turned into someone who scares me. He scared me and that's an awful feeling. I know I more or less made the decision to skate with Sunghoon and I understand where he's coming from, but still. 

Walking along the slippery forest path, I quickly find the pleasantly quiet spot and brush away some branches so they don't sting my face.

Looking up from the green grass covered in water droplets, I widen my eyes when I notice a change in scenery, a calm Sunghoon sits on the rusty bench, earphones in his ears, eyes squeezed shut. I haven't really talked to him much, maybe a little during the lunch break, but that's about it.

My sudden movement has caught his attention, causing him to startle and twist his head. My mouth falls open as he notices my appearance; there is no turning back now. His expression goes from surprise to a smile to a frown.

"Dahlia...?" He slowly stands up removing the wires from his ears and leaves them on the bench. "Are you- what happened?" Without a care in the world, he starts hugging me and places his chin on top of my head. He cradles me in his arms. Something I'm familiar with. My arms wrap around his torso and I sniffle. He guides us to the bench and carefully sits me down.

His worried frown is clearly visible on his face. Biting his lower lip in doubt, his hand reaches out to wipe my tears as it stays there. The sensation of his fingers on my jaw makes me melt into his touch. "Was it your parents?" He speaks softly, trying not to hurt me more, and I shake my head. My watery eyes meet his and I look at him for a while. He is the one with me in that picture and I frown, taking his hand off my face.

He flushes red in embarrassment, as if he has done something wrong, as his lips now form a pout. Putting my hands on my knees, I think. If I hadn't started that shitty deal, I wouldn't be in trouble with my favourite sport now. But somewhere, it was also my stupid choice.

"I think it'd be better if we stopped skating together" I mutter out, feeling the tears welling up again. Ye-Jun is right, I almost messed up and I don't want that to happen again. I don't want to be a disappointment anymore.

His face drops and he shifts closer. "What are you talking about?" I avoid his gaze, but he is having none of it. Grasping my chin, he makes me look at him. I have to swallow at the fervour behind his eyes. "Did your parents find out-"

"No-no it's not them..." I mumble trying to look down, but he makes sure I look at him. God, if they find out, I'm dead. "Dahlia, talk to me." His face is blank, but his eyes are confused and I gather a large amount of air.

"Sunghoon. It affects my career. Ye-Jun found out and-"

"That asshole..." he murmurs and pokes his cheek with his tongue, staring at the river. Now that his gaze is back on mine, I gulp because it's an intense stare. "Listen Dahlia, if you feel that way, I respect that, I'm sorry if I upset you or made you feel bad or I-I don't know what. I'm very sorry if I hurt you, but I thought you were fine with being my partner?"

I ignore his little synonym for Ye-Jun and scrunch up my face because it physically hurts to think of so much at once. I am literally disobeying my parents' request to stop roller skating, I'm ice skating with Sunghoon they know nothing about and now Ye-Jun has found out, oh god.

"I am, but if the coach finds out. Then I will be kicked out. He doesn't like people who put 99% into their sport, he wants 100%. And Sunghoon I can't lose what I love most." I whisper the last part. It seems the world is against me.

He sighs deeply and cups my face. "Maybe...maybe you should tell your coach? It's better he hears it from you. We both know that without you, your club wouldn't be recognised as it is now. You are their gem, Dahlia, he can't kick you out." His voice is low and I feel overwhelmed. 

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