Welcome, to the Outerbanks

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The sky that shined yellow, and the breeze that it held, layed it's self upon the group of teenagers, The sound of the sea crashing with waves, the distant sound of seagulls, fighting over whatever food they could find. Horns of workman ships in the distance.

Surely everyone would die to live on an island like this?

This summer, they had a mission. To have a good time, all the time.

Banksie leaned her weight on the railing that overlooked the sea on the deck. Watching small waves here and there. The slight breeze pushes her chocolate locks out of the way.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" A voice spoke, that was belonging to Pope as he looked up at the roof. "I'll give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."

Banksie furrowed her brows, turning her head slightly up towards the roof, seeing as John B stood at the edge, putting his finger in the air to test the winds.

"Should I do it?" He called down towards them.

"Yeah." Banskie shrugged.

"Yeah, jump! I'll shoot you on the way down."

"You're gonna shoot me?" John B asked.

Banksie rolled her eyes, watching as the two began to pretend 'shoot eachother'. Her eyes darted to the figure she could see walking out of the door, taking a quick glance at JJ Maybank.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers."

"The ones that clean your ass?" Banksie asked. Watching Kiara as she walked around the scaffolding.

"Of course they are. Why wouldn't they?"

"This used to he a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" Kiara spoke.

The brown haired girl shrugged, turning back to the sea, sounding out everyone. But a sudden 'oh shit' made her turn her head to see John B dropping his can of beer onto the deck.

"Smooth." Kiara spoke, causing Banksie to smile and shake her head in a laugh.


Pope walked over to the railing, bending over, speaking calmly as he saw security.

"Hey, uh, Security's here." He spoke. "Let's wrap it up." Banksie groaned, pushing herself off the railing.

"Total shit show." She said. Picking up her phone that was next to her and putting it in her back pocket.

"They're doing their jobs." Kiara shrugged.

"Boys are here early today." John B spoke. Getting off the roof and swinging down off the scaffolding.

"Let's go, Boys, and Banksie." Kiara smiled towards Banksie, and the brown haired girl bowed her head in a thank you.

"Gary, is that you?" JJ asked. Looking over the scaffolding, confirming his thoughts, "Gary! It's good to see you, man!"

"JJ, shut up and do." Banksie spoke.

"Do what? Do you?" He smirked, getting close to her face, his hand snaking around her waist, pulling her closer. She smirked and got even closer to his face. "In your dreams," She spoke softly. Backing out of his embrace.

"Always." He spoke.

This wasn't unusual for JJ to flirt with Banksie, she was actually quite used to it, but JJ knew she had no feelings for him, and he was okay with that, and he was happy that Banksie allowed him to flirt with her, instead of pushing him away.

"Oh my god." Kiara rolled her eyes before they all ran inside, making as much noise as possible, JJ running into Gary in the process.

Banksie was quite athletic. She used to do quite a lot of sports until they made it a rule that Kooks and Pogues couldn't be on the same team with each other, so she pulled out. But she still practised her athleticism in her own time.

She quickly hopped the fence with Kiara and John B, getting the Twinkie started, and driving up to meet JJ and Pope.

"Come on, boys! Whoo!" Kiara and Banksie laughed as they saw JJ and Pope sprinting towards them. They quickly jumped in, JJ instantly sitting next to Banksie.

John B continued to drive as Gary tried to catch up to them on foot.

"Hey, check out Gary, gunnin' for a raise." Pope joked.

"Come on, Gary!" JJ exclaimed. "Wait, slow down, slow down." JJ spoke as he leaned out side the door, a can in his hand.

"You're gonna give him a heart attack." Kiara spoke.

"Correction, he's gonna give himself a heart attack. He chose to run after us." Banksie laughed. Causing John B to click his fingers and point towards her.

"You're so close! You can do it! There you go!" The blonde haired boy spoke as he leaned outside, throwing a beer at him. "They don't pay you enough, bro!"

"JJ, stop, stop." Kiara spoke, pulling him back in.

"Oh, come on. That sort of initiative is just beginning to be punished." He smiled. Shutting the door and leaning back, his arm swinging around behind Banksie, picking up her legs and placing them on his lap, she scrunched up her face and swung them back down again.

"Oh, come on," He sung. "Have I ever told you you have nice legs?" He grinned. Causing everyone's face to scrunch up in response.

"Have I ever told you to, fuck off?" She smiled. Causing a few snickers from the group.

"For a matter of fact, yes you have."

"Maybe you should listen." She smiled, getting up and jumping into the passenger seat next to John B. "Hello." She smiled.

"He get on your nerves... again?" John B smiled, raising a brow.

"Yeah, because," she spoke turning her head towards JJ. "He's a total imbecile." She said keeping her gaze hard on him. Who put his hands up in surrender.

First chapter!! How are we feeling? Well, sort of chapter... not really a chapter chapter, though, more like a prologue? Idfk. Anyway, cast in the next part.

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