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I went to the museum as an attempt to clear my mind and romanticize my life in the only way I knew how to.

The museum has always been my little escape from reality. I stared at all the pieces of art for hours.

Then I'd go outside to the garden to see the sculptures and sit on the bench under the willow tree.

I pulled up around 10 a.m.; the weather was sunny, around 70 degrees, (Fahrenheit) which was nice for spring in Florida.

The wild birds flew and chirped, enjoying the nice weather.

There were just a handful of clouds in the sky. I listened to the sound of the mockingbirds as they sang to one another, fluttering around.

I walked in and handed the receptionist my museum pass.

"Just you today?" A older woman with pale skin and curly white hair said as she handed me back my card.

"Oh, uh. Yeah, just me."

She signaled for me to lean over the desk and she whispered, "I met my wife here 40 years ago. I think you'll find your person here someday." She winked, then started back on her work, filling out paperwork again.

I smiled and replied with "Thanks." Before I walked off.

I went my usual way and sat down in front of "Jacob Stealing Esau's Blessing" by Gaetano Gandolfi. I've always had some kind of special connection with that specific piece.

It's inspired a lot of poems and songs for me.

I pulled out my light brown leather notebook and vintage pen my aunt gave me when she came back from London, and I've used it for all of my writing for quite sometime.

"Hey. Can I sit here?" A girl with long, straight dark brown hair and a soft smile said to me. Placing her black Chanel single flap bag next to me on the bench before sitting down only inches away from me.

She was wearing a white long sleeve turtle neck, a black mini skirt and a black and white coat embellished her body perfectly.
She had a pair of chancel loafers and a gold Chanel necklace pair with it. As well as a black headband to pull the outfit together.

"Hi," I said softly.

"My name is Ava. What's yours?" She stated, then inquired.

"Oh- Sophia." I replied.

She scrunched her nose, then smiled.

I glanced over at her, and I made contact with her hazel-green eyes.

I looked back to the art and then to my notebook.

"I can go if I'm bothering you, I-"

"No!" I interrupted.

"I mean, no, you're fine. I actually enjoy the company." I completed my sentence.

"Ok then." She said.

"Where are you from?" I asked. She had a rich English accent.

"London. Guildford, to be exact. I moved her a few years ago, and I'm still discovering everything. This is my first time here; do you want to show me around?"

I perked up immediately, then slowly placed my notebook, pen, and phone back in my tote bag. "Of course. I come here a lot. I know this place like the back of my hand."

She giggled, then clutched her purse in her hand. "Great."

We walked around the museum for what only felt like 10 to 15 minutes but was actually 4 hours.

I admired her while she looked at the art; she studied every detail and crevasse of every piece of art we walked by.

We dedicate 2-3 minutes per artwork, no less but sometimes longer for certain pieces.

We were outside in the garden when she got a call from someone calling her home.

She looked disappointed and said, "I had a great time today. You seem really lovey. We should meet up again sometime."

"Yes. This was great." I said as I looked in my bag, pulling my notebook and pen out.

I wrote my number down and handed her the sheet of paper I wrote it on.

"Here," I said, handing it over.

She took it and said, "Thanks," then turned away.

"Wait!" I called out, as she was only 10 feet away from me. Her back turned against me as she was on her way to the exit.

She turned around and responded, "Yeah?"

"Do you want to go out to dinner tonight? I know a really good place on the beach if you like sushi?"

"I love sushi, and I'd love to! What time?" She questioned.

"Uh, how's 8?" I said.

"Perfect," she replied, her cheeks turning a rosy color.

"Then it's settled. I'll see you tonight." I acknowledged.

"Yes." She smirked before winking and turning away.

773 words

Thank you so much for reading.
Please let me know what you think it the comments :)
Have a great day/ night.

gxg oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora