New Years

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I meant to publish this a few days ago,
But here you go:)


I picked up a phone call from Charlie (my best friend) around 5 p.m.

"Hey, Amelie invited us to a party tonight; wanna come?" They asked.

"Well, um-"

They interrupted quickly with "Oh, come on, Bri, have a little fun."

I groaned.

I usually hate socializing; I prefer a quiet evening with a good book.

"Fine." I whined.

"Yay, I'll be over in 10." They squealed.

I laughed and hung up.


Sure enough, as they said, they were here exactly 10 minutes later.

My mom was down the stairs making dumplings with my little sister.

They burst through my door while I was reading my book.

"What are you doing?!" They exclaimed

"I was reading." I said, (I was confused.)

"You should be picking out your outfit; Skylar is going to be there."

"Wait. What?!" I shouted.

"Yeah, haven't you been on Instagram?"

"No, I've been reading." I said it under my breath.

"This is why I fill you in with stuff." She interrupted.

"And I greatly appreciate that." I said in reply.

"You're welcome." They said this while flopping on my bed.

"What are you wearing?" I asked

"This!" They pulled out a sparkly blazer and sequin hat.

"Ooo nice!" I said.

"How's this?" I asked while holding up a black t-shirt and a pair of high-waisted jeans.

"Uh- no." They said this while handing me a sequin-cropped tank top.

"No way I'm wearing that shit." I yelled.

"Yes, you are." They said this while shoveling me into the bathroom.

"FINE!" I screeched while slamming the door.

I quickly changed, put some sparkly eyeshadow on, and came out of the bathroom.

"That's better." They smiled

"I don't know about this; maybe I should just stay home." I started to doubt myself.

They placed their hands on my shoulders and said, "Hey, you look amazing. Skylar is going to love it."

My cheeks felt warm, so I quickly grabbed a pillow and covered my face.

"I saw that." They laughed

"Shut up!" I screeched

"Come on, we've got to get going." They said while tossing me a pair of black platform converses.

I quickly darted past them and down the stairs.

Straight towards the passenger seat of their black jeep.

They made it to the car a few seconds later.

"Exes" by Tate McRae was playing on the radio when they turned the car on.

We got to Amelie's house, and she greeted us at the door with a hug and kiss on the cheek. (She was French, so it was a tradition.)

We walked inside, and I spotted Skylar.

Her hair was curled and cut just before her collarbone.

She was wearing a black button-up blouse and a floral mini skirt.

She looked gorgeous.

I thought about walking up to her, but I talked myself out of it.

Charlie left and started talking to some other people from our school.

I stood there for a while before Amelie walked up again.

We started to catch up, sitting on the couch just a couple feet away from Skylar.


As the night progressed, it was close to midnight. I checked my phone and realized it was 11:45.

I told Amelie, and she started to direct everyone outside.

The backyard had a pool, and lights hung above, in the trees, and across the entire backyard.

I had less than 5 minutes left to talk to Skylar before the new year.

Without thinking, I tapped on her shoulder.

"Hi." I probably sounded like a minion.

"Oh, hey." She sounded surprised.

Well, my new year's goal was to talk to you. I've kind of had a crush on you for years now."

"No, really?!" I wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic or not.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Someone shouted

She leaned over and kissed me,

Without even thinking, I kissed her back.

Fireworks shot off around us.

It made the moment truly magical.

And that was the beginning of us.



Thank you so much for reading.
Hope you enjoyed.

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