Snakebit pt 1

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Ninjas' POV

A loud gong crashed and echoed in the small, dusty room. The ninja's woke up immediately. Sensei Wu walked in with a gong and a stick in his hand.

"Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!" Sensei called, banging the gong a few times. (A/n: *insert smirking emoji*)

The ninja groan loudly.

"In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity." Sensei Wu crashed the gong a few more times.

Kai sat up and climbed down the ladder of the bunk bed. "Ok, ok, we're up. But if you want us to reach our full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?"

Cole stretched his back. "You call that a rest? I think my back has more lumps than that mattress."

Jay put some toothpaste on his toothbrush. "We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters. I guess we lost track of time." He opened the tap to 'water' down his toothpaste. "Since the Serpentine burned down our monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our heads-"

He began to brush his teeth, but his taste buds were met with dusty sand and dirt. He spat it out immediately.

"What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of-" The floorboards under Zane broke. He fell waist-deep into the ground. 

"I think today's lesson would be chores." Sensei Wu said, observing these events.

"Chores?!" Everyone shouted in surprise.

Cole furrowed his eyebrows. "Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean."

"In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a ninja headquarters." Wu walked to the doorway. "I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it." He banged the gong once more before leaving.

Kai sighed. "This place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up."

Jay got a good idea. "Unless we put more than our backs into it, huh?"

Cole's POV

I stood at the door of a room full of junk. "Ninjaa... go!"

I Spinjitzued all the junk outside and set it for a garage sale.

Kai's POV

I watch Zane throw his Shurikens of Ice into the wall. Ice coats the whole room. I pull out my sword and melt the majority of the ice with the fire. Zane and I erased the rest of the ice with Spinjitzu.

Jay's POV

Kai and Cole are trying to fix the machine for the Bounty's electricity. I uncover a huge computer system. Swinging my nunchucks, I zap the machine. It powers up. Kai and Cole high five.

Third Person POV

Dust flies up everywhere as the ninja puts up the canvas of the Destiny's Bounty.

"Ninja go!"

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

Nya and Sensei Wu walks into the find the ninja playing Overture on the TV.

"What took you so long?" Kai said cockily.

"Wow, this place looks amazing! You guys did all this?" Nya exclaimed.

"Ninja don't just fight, Nya. We clean." Cole proudly replied.

"Oh, you have exceeded my expectations." A car honk is heard outside as Sensei Wu nodded. "But can you keep it up?"

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