Snakebit pt 2

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Your POV

I was sitting in the bridge of the Bounty, leaning against the wall with a book in my hand. It contained stories about dragons and their powers. Jay was trying to fix 'the button'. Kai and Zane passed by with old objects in their hands.

"Sure got a lot of junk piling up. If only there was a place to get rid of it..." Kai said slowly and loudly.

Jay scowled. "If you don't mind, I'm trying to focus."

Cole walks by next, pretending to be on a phone call.

"Hi mom and dad."

You wondered if he had a mom, let alone parents. He didn't seem to connect with them. To be honest, none of the ninja has connections with their parents.

"Of course I'd love to visit. What kind of son would I be if I didn't want to?" Cole spoke into the phone loudly for Jay to hear.

"Hehehe." Jay chuckled sarcastically. "I know what you're trying to do. Okay, look, I might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate."

Nya walks in. Jay quickly wiped the grease off his face. You rolled your eyes playfully, receiving a glare from the lightning ninja.

"Hehe, hi Nya."

"You gonna visit your parents today?" Nya asked nonchalantly.

"Uh, sure am. Just about to leave." Jay said nervously.

"Tell them I say hi." Nya left.

The other ninja glared at Jay with interest.

"What? So my plate's not that full."

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

You wandered outside as you followed the ninja, wearing your bow and arrows on your back. Today, the dragons were molting, shedding their scales. Kinda like puberty.

"Come on, Wisp! It'll be a quick visit. Just in and out, nothing more." Jay failed to goad his dragon to move.

"Hm, it is as suspected. The dragons are molting. They're shedding their scales." Sensei Wu told Jay.

"What does that mean?"

"Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult. We must allow them to migrate east to the Spirit Coves for their transformation." Sensei spoke.

Jay looked a little crestfallen. "Will we see them again?"

Sensei Wu stroked his beard. "It is hard to say. But we need to allow them to follow their path."

You tucked your book under your arm. Sensei always seems to sound wise.

"Rocky's going east?" Cole pet his dragon. "Say it isn't so, Rocky."

Zane stroked Shard.

Jay strolled over to Nya, who with Kai and Flame. "Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure be nice to have company..."

Nya started to nod until Kai interrupted. "Of course we'll go, buddy."

"I could use a break." Cole agreed.

"All you had to do was ask." Zane added. 

"I might as well come, then." You perked up, catching Jay's grumpy expression.

Jay sighed in annoyance. The dragons fly away into the distance.

We began to walk.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

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