S2 - Darkness Shall Rise pt 1

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Your POV

Age: 16

A/n: We have begun half of Season 2 :)


You were sitting on a half-wrecked bench, taking a break as the ninja were cleaning up the city. Everything was quite a mess. Cars were turned over, trees knocked down, garbage everywhere. You already put a couple of cars back in their spots and discarded them to the side, so you were kinda sore.

Jay and Cole were lifting a store sign back up.

"Ugh, finally. All fixed up and Serpentine free." Cole dusted his hands off.

Kai, for the fifth time, tries using his fire powers to spurt out a flame. All that came out was a couple sparks.

"Aargh. This is so frustrating." Kai grunted.

The sign tips over and Jay and Cole lets out a yell. Zane helps them keep it steady.

"Our weapons are gone and most of our elemental powers are gone. I mean, we can still do Spinjitzu, but.." Kai does it again, aiming his fist at the pole, but the flame that was working was the one from Zane's blowtorch.

"Kai, it's not gonna work." You said, watching Zane blowtorch the pole's base to the floor.

"I just feel so, I don't know, limited. And thanks to the Devourer, our tank's out of commission, our dragon's hurt, and now the Bounty is destroyed, we don't even have a place to sleep." Kai ranted on, ignoring you.

"No one ever said being a hero is easy." Zane takes off his blowtorch mask. "Though our good deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways."

"Hm." You nod and shrug.

"Yeah, well, I don't feel rich." Kai mumbled.

Jay picks up a chunk of metal/debris and dumps it into the garbage can nearby. "Ugh. I for one enjoy pitching in. I've always wanted to feel part of a community. Uh, speaking of which, anyone seen Nya? She said she was gonna help."

At that moment, Nya and Wu arrived on a motorbike. "And I have. I may have found us a place to live."

"Really? But there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago City. How did you do that?" Jay asked.

Nya shrugs. "I know a guy, who knows a girl, and she knows this girl who knows a guy. Well, this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent and she can help you find a place, if you catch my drift." She hands Jay a pamphlet. You walk over to them and nod to Sensei.

"And where are you off to?" Jay look sat Sensei Wu.

"We have to find a couple of components to fix the ninja tank. And my dragon ointment has finally arrived. It's a day's trip, but once we get back, he'll be flying again. Also, I love scenic drives. Haha, punch it, Nya!" Wu took a sip of his tea.

"Ay, ay, Sensei." Nya backs out in a second and sped down the rest of the road, with Sensei shouting "Yee-haw!"

You let out a snort of amusement and lean your elbow on top of Jay's shoulder to read the pamphlet.

"'Patty Keys, Real Estate Queen.' Huh, this is exactly what we need. Once we get a roof over our head, we can start properly training Lloyd." Jay said, reading off the pamphlet.

"Good, 'cause if we know Lord Garmadon, he's not going to be taking any breaks. And let's not forget, the Serpentine are still at large." Cole replied.

"Right." You muttered.


Patty Keys led us to a worn-down looking apartment. You gave it a side-eye and gave her one too, but she ignores you. 

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