Not an update!!

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Hello, my lovely readers!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life has been difficult lately and it's only going to be more hectic the next 6 months as I'll start my internship. It frustrates me that I haven't had time to sit down a write for a month now as it is something that I really enjoy and love to do. I feel the need to share my thoughts with you as this book wouldn't have its success without your support. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you as it is you guys that motivates me to keep writing. I can't promise how long it will be before I update, but I will promise you that I will not abandon this book. I'll complete it, no matter how long it may take.

I've already mentioned once how grateful I am for you all, but I need to say it again, as November marks the one-year anniversary of when I published the first chapter of Child of a King. I remember how scared I was when I pressed the publish button, worried that no one would want to read my book. Here we are, a year later with so many lovely people from all over the world. I couldn't have done it without all of you. Thank you is a small word but it's the only one that I can come up with when I think about you guys. So, thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart.


Anne <3

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