Chapter 2

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San Lang carries him down the burning hallway, sheltering Xie Lian's body against his own and with every step they take Xie Lian wonders at the situation he's found himself in.

He thought that San Lang would hate him.

He thought that their friendship was over, broken like everything else Xie Lian touches.

He thought...

He thought a lot of things and now it seems as though they couldn't be further from the truth. But what the truth is, what is actually going on, he's not sure if that either. Again his mind flashes to the sight that met him when he first returned to the armory, Hua Cheng's hand around E'ming's blade, the blood dripping through his fingers and down his wrist to stain the sleeve of his elegant robes. He doesn't understand. He just knows that he hates, hates the memory of Hua Cheng's blood, hates the idea that he could do that to himself. He wants to say something, ask about it, talk to his friend, try to help however he can, but he can't seem to find the words.

Hua Cheng pushes open the door of the room and Xie Lian is surprised to see that there back in the guest bedroom Hua Cheng gave him when he arrived at Paradise Manor .... Was that really only a few hours ago? He's even more surprised to realize that, while the smell of smoke from the burning hallway outside still taints the air a little, otherwise the room is completely untouched by the fire.

"San Lang? Can't the fire get in here?"

"No need to worry, Gege, this room is surrounded by the most powerful wards I can create. With one exception it is the safest place in my domain."

"That exception is San Lang's own room?" Xie Lian guesses. He fully expects to be correct but to his surprise Hua Cheng shakes his head.

"No, nothing like that." Hua Cheng lowers him gently to sit on the bed.

Xie Lian blinks up at him curiously, wondering why Hua Cheng would choose to go to such lengths to ward a random guest bedroom but not his own room and what sort of place the safest place in his domain could be. Xie Lian is about to ask when Hua Cheng's expression darkens again, his eyes fixing on Xie Lian's right arm. He glances down and notices for the first time that beneath the garbage stains and the coating of ash now covering his robes, the entire length of that sleeve is stained red with his blood.

"Ah..." Xie Lian begins awkwardly, trying to figure out what to say to ease the moment, but before he can find the words Hua Cheng abruptly drops to one knee, bowing his head.

Xie Lian's eyes widen in shock.

"San Lang what..."

"I'm sorry." Hua Cheng's voice is low and pained. "I never meant to hurt you."

Xie Lian hates hearing him sound like that, and he hates seeing him kneel like that, and he hates...

"San Lang, please get up!" Xie Lian reaches forward desperately and grabs the ghost by his shoulders, trying to pull him to his feet. He hates seeing him like that! It hurts and it isn't right and it reminds him of... "Please. You said before that I shouldn't kneel before you. I feel the same way! Besides you haven't done anything, not really. I was the one who chose to interfere in your fight so please..."

Hua Cheng allows himself to be pulled to his feet, his head still lowered just enough that the hair hanging over his eye makes his expression hard to read.

"Forgive me." His voice is quiet and more controlled now, no longer filled with raw pain. That should be an improvement but somehow it doesn't quite feel like one, as though Hua Cheng's pain isn't gone, just hidden away. "This one didn't mean to make your highness uncomfortable."

Body in Flames; Home in Paradise (TGCF HuaLian)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن