Chapter 5

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Gasps echo through the hall and Xie Lian can practically feel the way that Feng Xin and Mu Qing's eyes are boring into him. He stares straight ahead, not meeting any particular gaze. He will take the blame for this, as he must and as he should, but to himself at least he can admit that it hurts.

"Your Highness, what are you saying?" It's the wind master who first breaks the shocked silence.

"His highness only said that he is not innocent. He did not say that he is guilty." Hua Cheng's words cut crisply through the room and everyone turns to stare at him in surprise, Xie Lian included. He has no idea what the Ghost King is about. Even if those are the words he chose he's sure that San Lang knows what he meant. So what...

"You're trying to defend him? He's guilty! He admitted it! This just proves that they're in league! Did you help him? Are you..."

Lang Qianqiu's furious shouts are cut off as Hua Cheng gestures in his direction and a flock of silver butterflies fly from his bracer to swirl around Lang Qianqiu. Thin white strands trail behind the butterflies and barely a couple of breaths later Lang Qianqiu's ankles and wrists are bound in butterfly silk. His shouts turned to muffled noises as he is gagged by more of the same.

Xie Lian wonders if he should interfere to help Lang Qianqiu but this is San Lang's domain after all and he needs to respect that so he says nothing only extends his hand, allowing Rouya to return to his wrist. The other gods must feel the same for even though all three martial gods stiffen, their eyes narrowing in anger, none of them say a word as the king of ghost city binds one of their own.

Clearly they do not dare.

For her own part, the wind master looks less angry and more generally put out and the look she casts the hopelessly struggling martial god of the east is as much frustration as it is concerned.

"Crimson Rain, what exactly do you mean by this?" Pei Ming demands.

"Your Highness, come over to us. No matter what Lord Tai Hua is accusing you of, you're still saver it with us then you are beside him." Feng Xin seems torn between casting worried looks at Xie Lian and glaring at Hua Cheng.

"Yeah, Xie Lian, get over here, before he attacks you next." Mu Qing's glare is all for Hua Cheng but his words too are for Xie Lian.

For his own part Xie Lian can't help feeling both surprised and warmed by the way that Feng Xin and even Mu Qing seem to want to protect him, even as their words completely misunderstand and complicate everything.

"You don't need to worry. He won't do anything to me." He says it quickly, trying to preempt any coming trouble but it doesn't seem to have much effect.

"Oh really? Why not?" Pei Ming's eyes narrow in suspicion.

"You can't be sure if that!" Feng Xie tries to take a step closer but waning moons arm catches him in the chest.

"Please stay where you are, general. My lord has not invited you inside." Somehow the ghost officer manages to make the words sound both apologetic and firm at the same time.

"You. Who are you?" Mu Qing turns his own suspicious glare on the injured waning moon officer. "Don't I recognize your voice?"

"You can stand down now." Hua Cheng speaks up before the ghost officer is forced to answer that question and Xie Lian guesses that the ghost King is trying to spare his subordinate from having to reveal himself to his former heavenly colleagues.

"Yes, my lord." There is certainly an air of gratitude about waning moon as he bows his head to his Lord and stands aside, allowing the four heavenly officials to step further into the room. They don't go more than a few paces though. Even without the ghost officer in the way, it's clear that none of them dare approach Hua Cheng.

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