Chapter 5: Alpha Team

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Authors Note:

READ AHEAD: Chapter 6 is now available for Tier 2 Manifest Fantasy Patrons and higher!




Groom Lake, Nevada

Area 51

November 17, 2024

As dawn cast a pale light over the Nevada desert, Henry's morning routine was abruptly interrupted. The familiar buzz from his communicator cut his breakfast short – his briefing was in 5 minutes. He tapped the device clipped to his belt, acknowledging the summons as he finished up the remnants of his French toast.

He strode toward the situation room, taking in the changes that had taken place over the past week. Where once there had been the quiet hum of scientific exploration and data collection, there was now the rumble of construction and transportation. The pathway leading to the shimmering portal, previously traveled by scientists and a trickle of military personnel, had expanded into distinct incoming and outgoing lanes complemented by traffic lights.

To the side of the hangar, massive construction vehicles queued, awaiting their turn to pass through the gateway. A paving machine, its form a silhouette against the portal's glow, inched forward until it was swallowed by the iridescent threshold. One by one, they disappeared into the portal, each carrying their part of the American initiative to Gaerra.

A team of technicians surrounded the incoming lane, clearing it out and sounding a buzzer to mark the lane's temporary transition to a second outgoing lane. Henry caught sight of a pair of Apaches approaching the lane. Secured on large flatbeds, the helicopters would soon find their new home at Armstrong Base.

As Henry picked his way between the stacks of cargo and clusters of personnel, Ron caught up to him with a less-than-enthusiastic shuffle. "Morning wake-up calls just keep getting earlier. What's the bet this is another 'strategic urgency' spiel?" he yawned, the dim hangar lighting casting a tired shadow over his face.

Henry offered a wry smile. He knew exactly what could get the man excited, pause. "Well, if they're pushing us to gear up for Gaerra, I'm all for sacrificing sleep. Beats staring at the sagebrush art around here," he quipped.

Ron snorted, his stride upright with new life. "Shiiit, I'd trade in my figurines to get back there. Beats the hell outta this metal maze."

They approached a staircase beside the gateway, walking up to the control room. "Bruh, you just want a front-row seat to see if Kelmithus was speaking facts about elves," Henry teased, elbowing Ron lightly.

Ron flashed a conspiratorial grin, "Hey, a little recon on local... wildlife never hurt. Nah but for real though, you think we're rolling out soon?"

Henry paused at the top of the stairway and considered the flurry of activity around them. "Hard to say, but with all this," he gestured at the preparations around them, "plus the talks coming up, I'd say we're not just here to play war games."

He continued walking, boots thudding against the metal grating as he and Ron approached the control room. Inside the glass-paneled room, Director Lombard and Dr. Lamarr were engrossed in their work. Snippets of their conversation about the Gaerran gateway and something about an analysis of Kelmithus' magic flowed out of the open doorway. They must've enjoyed Kelmithus' lectures on magic far more than he did.

They moved past the control room, stepping into the quieter corridor that led to the situation room. Reaching the door, Henry pushed it open and stepped inside, ready to pivot from the 'what-ifs' to the 'what-nows'. Scanning the room, Henry saw familiar faces: Hayes having a conversation with Ambassador Perry, Yen on his laptop, and Dr. Anderson on a tablet reading a PDF scan of a book from the guest mansion's library.

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