First Step towards success

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Suprise hehehebe

Author pov

Its had been weeks with yeonjun situation everything is settled down.

Tae really studied hard whole day and night. He also found a online job so he could help Kook a little.

His professor was indeed happy to see tae trying hard again. He knew about his family condition. He also applied for scholarship on behalf of taehyung.
If tae scores good marks about exoected percentage he will get the scholarship.

Tae wrote his exam with full dedication. He was really nervous but his husband's motivation supported him alot. He didn't fear anything and went to give the paper.
When he came out of his exam centre he was about to walk he saw his husband standing there and waiting for him.
He quickly ran to him.
Kook: how was your paper ?

Tae : it was good? I hope i pass.

Kook: you will for sure. Btw this is for you !

It was 2 rose.
Tae was suprised but took it in his hands and stared at it looking down.

Kook: i am sorry i couldn't get you a big gift.

Tae looked up with teary eyes.

Tae : shut up !

Kook: i am sorry tae, please don't be upset i will get you something else. Don't cry

Tae stopped him and hugged him tight.
Kook was shocked nevertheless hugged him back.
Tae : you stupid? This was so sweet. Thank you so much kook ! No has ever given me a rose. I feel so happy thank you.

Kook looked at him and kissed his forhead.
Tae closed his eyes with warmth. This is the first time they were this close and intimitate.

He took tae and hands and started walking. Kook was holding his hand and walking in front. Whereas tae was looking at him

Tae : You are making me fall for you kook. I don't know if its love or something else whatever it is i am in love with thie feeling. tae thought

Jungkook saw a ice cream stall he looked at tae.
Kook: tae do you want to have icecream?

Tae : no its fine.

Kook: tae i know you want it.

Tae : only if you have too.

Kook smiled and both went to the ice cream stall. And took chocolate icecream, and vanilla ice cream. They went and sat near one bench when they saw  two men catching heads look stressed.

They didn't mind and sat beside their bench. They were enjoying their ice cream.

Tae : you know yesterday dae was saying he got selected in the football team.

Kook : Yesss he came and told me. I think he is very althetic. He was jumping up and down saying that he got selected.

Tae : Yes our baby is althetic.

Kook looked at him when tae said "our" baby. His heart still gives butterfly when he realise that this three angles are his family.

Kook : ofcourse just like his appa
Said and smirked.

When tae was about reply thats when he heard a shout for beside  bench. One from the two man fainted.
Jungkook and taehyung ran in opposite direction. Taehyung towards the fainted person whereas jungkook went bring a bottle of watter.

The male started panicking but tae assured him he will be fine they made them sleep on the bench.
Jungkook came with water. And they both sprinkled the water on the guy.
They felt the guy's movement. Everybody was relieved. Thr other hugged him tight.

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