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Tae: kook i have some side dishes please eat okay share it with hyungs too

Kook: tae you came from home working all day, here also you worked all day, made so many sides dishes for us.

Tae : i love doing for you kook now don't whine like baby. Come and help pack this muu's stuff.

Kook shook his head started packing his daughter's clothes.

Felix setting up the car both hyung are in college kook today took half day since his
family is going back

Dae : appa i will miss you so much.

Kook: i will miss you too baby, but you you know my strong baby needs to protect his family.

Daeee : yesssss see my biceps its like you appa.

Kook: yesss my baby is stronger then me.

Tae : don't tell him that he then cries pick up grocery bags and fall down.

Kook chuckled and dae is pouting

Felix : dae come one lets go you take this small bag. Eomma and appa will come....

Tae kept the big bag and felix took all small bags.

Dae, muu and felix went. Now its kook and tae

Tae came forward closer to kook.

Tae : i will miss you kook

Kook came and hugged tae

Kook: you don't hard it is to leave with out you guys and i will miss you the most.

They hugged and closed their eyes for almost 5 mins basking warmth from each other.

Kook: tae take care okay ?

Tae hmmed and eyes still closed.

Kook pulled away and kissed his forehead.

Kook: lets go ?

Tae nodded kook intervined their hands and picked bags from one hand.

And they reached the car.

Kook made them sit in the car.
And kook helped felix to put bags.

Felix : hyung when are you coming home ?

Kook: don't tell them okay ?

Felix : ofcourse hyung

Kook: during your hyung birthday i will call you

Felix : omggg yesssssss he will be so happy.

Kook: yes yes just don't tell anyone okay ?

Felix showed thumbs up.

Felix hugged him and sat in the driver sit.
Where as kook came to window of the passenger to bid bye to his family.

Kook: dae give me po ?

Dae give alot of kisses and dae had tears.

Dae : appa i will miss you and also muu told me she will miss you too

Kook: aww baby i will miss you guys too so much i will come back soon okay take care of our family okay you know deal right ?

Dae : yes appa.

Kook: tae you too take care okay don't stress too much. And about restaurant don't worry too much about it its all in control you pay attention on your upcoming exams okay ?

Tae nodded he also had tears.

Kook: don't cry come here.

Tae came foward and kook gave a long forehead kiss he moved back

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