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"Habiba, three years ago was my wife!"

"And now she is your ex-wife." Abdul sighed.

"So out of the blue she appears as your sister with a new identity, how is that even possible?" He says with anger.

"Najib, relax...

"How do you expect me to relax?" He yelled. Najib was desperate to understand why Abdul kept him in the dark all these years.

"You knew how desperate I was to find her, you were also there when I almost went crazy searching for her all over the country, and suddenly she turns up to be your sister? And what fucking revenge was she even talking about?" He glared.

"Yell at me all you want, curse me, hit me in the face if that will soothe your anger but I would like to plead with you to forget her for now."

"Forget her?" Najib chuckled. "Are you nuts? You must be out of your mind to think I will let her go, never, I rather die."

"Then you will only cause nothing but pain to each other."

"Why will that happen? Give me a damn reason?!" Najib retorts.

"Because she hates you!" Abdul snapped.

"She hates me?" Najib scoffed recalling the scornful look she had for him a while ago.

"Yeah, it was evident she hates me, but what I don't understand is why she hates me?"

"Because... Abdul couldn't proceed when he realized he just could not.

"I have no words for that." He sighed.

"Why don't I believe you? You know but you wouldn't tell, right?" Najib asked observing Abdul's hesitation to reply.

"I'm sorry, I just can't for now," Abdul muttered.

"Fine, If you can't help me solve this riddle then at least lend me a little help."

"What help?"

"Where does she stay? With you?"

"No, she moved out and now I have no idea where she lives but your cousin Faruk does but he has refused to tell."

"Faruk?" Najib mutters getting a quick flashback, he recalls their childhood and how close they were until his mom died and slowly their bond grew sour and they drifted apart, with no words from each other for years, he suddenly appears claiming what belonged to him. Najib smirked at his thought.

"The biggest rivalry has just commenced, he has what belongs to me and no one is allowed to  keep what is mine." Najib mutters with a sly smirk.

"What?"Abdul asks observing his friend's cunning look.

"Faruk and Habiba, what's their relationship?" He asks.

"It's Hanan." Abdul mumbles.

"Whatever, just answer my question."

"It's a platonic friendship according to them," Abdul replied.

"Interesting!" He grinned nodding his head thoughtfully.

"I never share what belongs to me and I will prove it to both of them." He smirked.

"Najib, the look on your face scares me, what are you planning to do? You better don't do anything stupid." Abdul says with concern.

"I don't do stupid things and neither should you get scared for me, I only do what's right for all," Najib replies smiling satisfyingly.


"Guess who is trending?"


"You of course."

"Wow! Really?"

HIS LOVE (A Sequel to HER WORTH)Where stories live. Discover now