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"Wow, you've got a beautiful home." Hanan comments while assessing every nook and cranny of the place they are strolling into.

"Not mine but my dad's." Faruk smiled tightening his hold on her wrist while he continued to lead them in.

"Yeah, your dad's," Hanan replied and instantly she felt anxiety, she broadened her smile hoping it would help hide her anxiety but it didn't, rather, Faruk noticed.

"Your hand is sweaty, are you alright? is it your fever?" Faruk stopped to face her asking with concern and while he did that, he observed her face looking tensed.

"I'm fine, but do I look decent enough to meet your family?" She asks him, but that cracked a laughter out of him.

"Hey, relax, I can see that you're getting nervous." He smiled pulling her closer.

"You look pleasant enough to meet my family." He says assuring her with a light squeeze on her hand.

Though it gave Hanan a bit of ease it didn't erase the anxiety she has of meeting her boss, Faruk's dad.

She felt the urge to run back home and that made her wonder where her confidence flew to. A while ago she was eager to meet his family but now she has a bad feeling about it.

"Trust me, let's go." Faruk smiled.

And just then, A splitting image of Faruk walks to them with a broad smile, though he was fairly old.

No one needed to tell Hanan that the old man approaching them was Faruk's Father as their resemblance could be seen even from afar.

"Good evening Dad." Faruk smiled bowing to greet but his dad ignored his greeting heading closer to Hanan.

"Good evening sir, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Hanan instantly rolls off her words with a smile.

"Evening dear, it's also a pleasure to have you join us for dinner, come in." The man responded with a smile.

"Is mom around?" Faruk asks walking ahead of them.

"Yes, as usual, she is in the kitchen helping with the cooking." He replied.

In a bit, they walked into a room filled with aromas of different meals set on the table that instantly made Hanan's mouth water.

She glanced at the dining room checking to observe the place and it was magnificently built. She wonders where her colleagues are. Are they yet to arrive or weren't they invited? She thought before her attention was called.

"Dear, have a seat." Faruk's dad says to her.

"Thanks, sir." Hanan grinned feeling her anxiety creep back as she was left alone with the old man, Faruk had disappeared to only where God knows.

Seated together alone at the table felt very discomforting for Hanan, making it worse is that she had no words to say to the old man who had kept his eyes glued on her but later on she broke their silence with the only appropriate words she could use at the moment.

"You have a lovely home, sir."

"Yes I agree, but it's thanks to the heights of success my Law firm has attained over the years that I'm able to own one." He says.

"Yes sir, I'm truly amazed, thanks for granting me the opportunity to work for you, sir."

"Thank my son rather, for he brought you to the right place."

"I will forever be grateful." She smiled.

"Oh yes, you should." He smiled back.

"And now I also understand why he wants you so badly, you're pretty." He mutters but not loud enough for Hanan to hear.

HIS LOVE (A Sequel to HER WORTH)Where stories live. Discover now