Fake world?

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Life is a mess,

Or I am a bigger wreck,

Days goes by, I'm passing my time,

I'm wasting my time or losing my mind,

Everyone got a life, they tryna survive,

This world we live in is beautiful and brutal,

We are fools and ignorant; trying to meet ends:

We cry, we smile, we scream and how many times do we lie?

Pain and pleasure is two sides of a same coin?

We've been told, to value the happiness, we must know the pain.

There is this saying, "Fake it, till you make it." 

But  how long you can fake it?

How long you can take it?

Will it break? or turn you..... or worse, you will not be able to identify yourself and become the yet another victim of this superficial world....

Oh what a beautiful, cruel, brutal and fake world?


 If you want to learn  more about Qiza, you can read @ENTWINED by nishatronak. Thank you for reading. :)

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