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What is freedom? It is a question, we homo-sapiens have asked ourselves over and over across many eras, our ancestors had asked the same question and our descendants will be asking the same question. Freedom, can be describe as the state of being free in a board range and to be specific it could be mean as having agency and self-autonomy on ourself. However, as per my understanding: the word freedom isn't simple but complex, everyone has their own definition and desire of it. 

It is a proven fact, that humans are social animals and their whole civilization is based off on communities, tribes and culture, whether some of us like it or not; it is an establish axiom that we are a part of a society and we have certain roles and obligation that we need to fulfill to maintain the equilibrium and homeostasis. And how we cannot afford to have many outliers and delinquents because the result will be anarchy and absolute chaos: Our history has multiple instances where we have encountered countless war, famine, epidemic and totalitarianism, tyranny because society and individuals have discarded their roles and embraced negligence. 

It is also true that the society takes consideration and well-being of collective and sometimes due to that some cynical individuals may face the hindrance of nihilism in their conquest of freedom and self -autonomy. 

In conclusion, freedom cannot be defined by one sentence as it is subjective in nature. However, what I have learned and observed is if the individual aligns himself or herself with society and chooses positive outlook, vision, accountability and principles. They practice empathy in their life towards themselves and others; they might be able to gain thefreedom to achieve their potential and self fulfilment


If you like to read more about Qiza, please read Entwined sane_is_inane .

Stay blessed. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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