Chapter 4 - Normalcy

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The next morning, Lauren was awoken by the telltale sound of someone knocking on her front door.

Bleary-eyed, the brunette shuffled to her feet in haste, her body groaned and ached in protest, but ultimately went ignored (like usual). "Coming!" She called from down the stairs as she attempted to make herself look somewhat presentable.

After finger-combing the rats nest atop her head, she descended the stairs two at a time and opened her front door a tad more violently than she had intended.

"Oh. Were you sleeping? I'm sorry, it's early." The elderly man apologized earnestly with a kind smile worn by time.

"No- no! Mr. Jenkins I was just getting up." She lied with a forced smile, her eyes squinted at the abrupt change in light. "Did you need something?"

"Oh, yes." He turned and gestured to a tow truck. "My car has been giving me some trouble, I was hoping you could figure out what was wrong?" His voice was tender and his hands shook slightly with age. "These old hands aren't what they use to be."

Lauren looked out past the older gentleman. "Of course, I have all day."

"Wonderful!" He smiled causing his wrinkles to pronounce. "Would you like Jerry to back it up into the barn? Make it a little easier for 'ya."

Lauren was going to readily agree, but her words caught in her throat and she nearly choked. She didn't know if Megatron decided to stick around or not and she'd rather not potentially risk two innocent elderly mens' lives.

Or maybe it was all just one big fucked up fever dream and her barn is, and has always, been empty.

The freshly forming bruises on her back told her it was the latter.

"No, I've been working outside the shop recently. Too hot and stuffy in there." She commented nonchalantly. "Fresh air and all that."

He hummed knowingly. "This heat is something else. I'll be back around three if that works for you?"

"Not a problem, Mr. Jenkins." She didn't even know what time it was.

Lauren followed the older man out to the end of the long driveway where the tow truck deposited the old (damn near classic) car. She said her goodbyes and watched as the tow truck disappeared down the road in an upheaval of dirt and out of eye shot.

A sigh escaped her as she dropped her shoulders. She was tired, everything hurt, and now she had to figure out how to move the whole car on her own, let alone fix the damn thing.

The Texan sun was blazing and despite being in shorts and a t-shirt, she could already feel herself sweating through the thin fabrics uncomfortably.

'Breathable' her ass.

The young woman turned and marched her way up the dirt path, clad in her house slippers and all her pajama glory.

The doors were closed and the barn was still in one piece so that was a good sign at the very least.

Lauren sucked in a breath in preparation, before she entered.

And he was still there. Nothing else seemed to be broken, but then again, she was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

His red optics found her quickly, like a predator.

"Good morning." She said without thinking. "I didn't think you'd still be here if I'm being honest."

Megatron grunted roughly in response.

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm going to need my shop today, so you'll have to scooch or sit outside and get a tan."

"Unlike your kind, I know the dangers of a sun." He jabbed. "You insects are so weak and fragile, it's almost a marvel that you haven't gone extinct. Pathetic organics."

"Well, sorry." She apologized sarcastically, turning to leave. "I'll be back, so scooch."

With a quick change of clothes and a pathetic excuse for breakfast (leftover chili), she was back outside, standing before the car. She wasn't quite sure how to get it to the shop. She could push it maybe, but that'd take forever and she didn't own the necessary cables to tow it herself.

Pushing it was (not that she had any other options).

The brunette groaned dramatically as she approached the vehicle, her joints aching and back sore.

Putting the vehicle in drive was about the easiest thing she could do, now came the pushing and steering.

She got the car a good six feet up the driveway and honestly considered giving up when she spotted Megatron emerging from the barn, head turned upwards towards the sky.

An idea struck her. She put the car in park and jogged up to the mech. Her shirt stuck to her moist skin.

"Hey!" She called out, her chest heaving. He spared her a glance. "Could you help me?"

Megatron made a disgusted face as if the very thought of being helpful would cause him to vomit. "You are to serve me. Humans are insolent. Do not get confused, girl."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a stupid small bug, wonderful. Now will you do it or not?" She placed her hands atop her hips in wait. "Please?"

Megatron made a face. "At least you are self aware, that's more than can be said for the rest of your prime forsaken species."

"Ugh, come on! I'm not strong enough to push the car all the way up here!"

The decepticon looked past her and towards the little vehicle. A growl escaped him briefly as he made his way over to where the scrap sat idle.

Lauren jogged after him. "Be careful! Please! It's not mine!"

"Shut your mouth, girl." He snarled as he pick the car up one handed.

"Look, you're getting there! Now say 'Lauren'." She teased.

He shot her a look of disdain. "I will crush you, bug."

"Yeah, you can crush me after I fix the car. I don't want to disappoint Mr. Jenkins." She moved ahead of him to pull open the barn doors.

Megatron set the car down with ease and she'd admit, she was impressed. Nevermind the subtle scratches he left along the hood.

"Thank you! You're the best!" She said without looking at him, maneuvering the car to where she needed it.

"I am Lord Megatron." He stated sternly and with pride.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant